Immigration Reform

Walter Williams’ position is one I can endorse:

Here’s Williams’ suggestion in a nutshell. Start strict enforcement of immigration law, as Arizona has begun. Strictly enforce border security. Most importantly, modernize and streamline our cumbersome immigration laws so that people can more easily migrate to our country.

Of course, he might not endorse my own position on “strict enforcement of immigration law” and strict “enforce[ment of] border security” as I’d take “strict” to be synonymous with “Draconian”. That is, I’d make sure that ANYONE caught employing illegal aliens (alien invaders) was simply and plainly put out of business, all properties confiscated and put on the auction block (with previous owners excluded from bidding from prison). Of course, that’d take some modifications to existing laws, but bureaucraps do that all the time already without any quibbles from congresscritters. Then, machine gun nests or whatever else is necessary along our borders (along with Naval patrols of our waters) with “shoot to kill” ROI. All that’d take would be an executive order. That’d about do it for enforcing our sovereignty over our borders.

Then, of course, overhauling our immigration processes to allow potentially useful immigrants to more easily enter would be a Very Good Thing, but ONLY after working as diligently as possible to get rid of the scofflaws and place serious barriers to their return. (Yes, I’d take note–including biometric data–of all alien invaders caught for deportation and put them permanently on a “back of the line until no one else from your country wants to come in” list. It’s the only Fair way to deal with line jumpers.)

6 Replies to “Immigration Reform”

  1. Draconian! The word strikes me as a bit over the top; but if that’s what it takes to get the job done then let the games begin. I’d favor a little less violent means along the border as I’ve indicated in the past; however it must be done without delay.

  2. You know, it strikes me as odd occasionally that the left and our current administration see what Arizona has done in enforcing federal immigration law as racist. In my opinion they once again have it completely backward. Arizona is redressing a racial injustice with their new law.
    Federal immigration law, for the most part, treats all foreigners the same, regardless of race. To come here, each person that comes legally must follow a defined procedure, enter through controlled ports of entry, and provide documentation. To remain, they must keep their documentation up to date and they must be productive – or sponsored by someone that is productive. At least that would be the case if federal immigration law were uniformly enforced by the federal government. It is their duty and responsibility after all.
    But by failing to protect our southern border, by excusing those who cross our borders illegally simply because “they want a better life” (who doesn’t), and offering these “undocumented” “workers” free social services the federal government is engaging in racial discrimination against all of the immigrants of non-Hispanic race that come to our country and follow the law. That is racism, pure and simple. It’s simply more evidence that when the left berates you for something it is more than likely a ploy to distract you from their own guilt in that very matter.
    And the motivation for their racism in this case? To create a larger constituency of “minority” peoples who will vote for them to continue receiving that “free government cheese”. What an insult to law abiding Hispanic people.

    1. Perri, I’m not quite ready to propose adopting Vlad Tepes’ method of dealing with “illegal aliens” (in his case, the Ottomans) but close…

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