Well, Duh: 87% Say English Should Be U.S. Official Language

87% Say English Should Be U.S. Official Language

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Americans continue to overwhelmingly believe that English should be the official language of the United States and reject by sizable margins the idea that such a move is racist or a violation of free speech.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 87% of Adults favor making English the nation’s official language. This is the highest level of support yet but in line with what voters have been saying for several years. Just nine percent (9%) disagree.

Oh, and while you’re at it, you weenie, venal poltroons in D.C., BUILD THE FENCE! (And man it with .50 cal machine gun nests with ROI making an area just north of our borders a “shoot to kill” zone, and whatever else necessary to say, “We’re serious about our borders!”)

And while you’re at it, you f-in’ idiots, traitors and corruptocrats, fix immigration so that

  1. those who give jobs to illegals lose everything they own and are put on chain gangs making little rocks from big ones and
  2. those who want to legally immigrate and show evidence they will become productive citizens (not welfare leeches or subversive/terrorist scum like the La Raza criminals and typical, average, Mohamed-honoring Moose-limbs) can immigrate more easily.

9 Replies to “Well, Duh: 87% Say English Should Be U.S. Official Language”

  1. I disagree. I don’t think that English should be the “official” language of the United States. I don’t think that we should have an “official” language at all. On the other hand, I also disagree with the notion of having all public documents printed in “every” possible language to accommodate minorities either. People should communicate in the language that most effectively lets them get their business done. Here, that’s most likely going to be English.

    Congress does its business in English, as do most government agencies. There’s no reason to make it “official”. That’s just another government regulation that gives more power to government at the expense of the people.

    I AM in favor of building the fence, and of using the national guard and the military to defend our borders. Securing our borders is the most effective way to protect our citizens and to allow orderly immigration. The only problem with doing it that I can see is that voter fraud will be so much more difficult to pull off – why groups like A.C.O.R.N. and the Democratic Party might have to resort to letting felons and the dead vote.

    1. Sadly, Perri, if English is not made the official language of the U.S., we will continue to have pseudo-justifications for a growing fedgov printing office printing things in an ever-growing number of languages. For example, are you aware of how many languages the current Decennial Census form is available in? Well over 40. (Yes, I’ve actually seen it in Spanish, Somali, Farsi and other languages. Don’t ask how. :-)) And translators are available for residents who are illiterate in their own (foreign) tongue to aid these (usually illegal) residents in completing the thing. We really need to cut the proliferation of government publications and services in other languages OFF. Allowing ANY justification for crippling the melting pot process is just more crippling of our society. Only intellectuals could be stupid enough to believe, as multi-culti intellectuals do, that anything that encourages NOT assimilating (as encouraging laxity in attaining English fluency does) is beneficial to society, and NOT specifically making English THE official language of governance (and requiring that ALL government communications to its citizens and residents of the U.S. be in that language) allows far more than just the camel’s nose into the tent…

      As you well know, I’m with you on the fence, but, “groups like A.C.O.R.N. and the Democratic Party might have to resort to letting felons and the dead vote”? That train left the station long ago, Perri.

  2. Perry has a good point, but only to the extent that giving government power to enforce language issues is more power they don’t deserve. Instead make it so all official printings be in English. Stop funding for schools to have bi-lingual education unless such funding comes from the private sector as extra curricular rather than credited classes.

    I’m not in favor of deadly force at the border even though at times I have ranted for extremes such as immediate electrocution, mine fields or vaporizing Star Trek type auto focus laser in the kill zones just inside the border. Instead I would favor the use of non-lethal gas to drop folks to the ground for easy retrieval, something which might also have a lasting physical effect such as hot pink color added to the skin for easy identification in the event these folks some how made it past the border. I could also support the use of drone aircraft with paint guns instead of lethal weaponry as long as the paint used made for semi-permanent skin marking for easy identification along with a certain level of semi-permanent irritation, something which would make folks think twice about crossing the border a second time.

    So, fajitas anyone?

    1. “Stop funding for schools to have bi-lingual education unless such funding comes from the private sector as extra curricular rather than credited classes.”

      Absolutely. I have both success stories about English immersion for children of LEGAL immigrants and horror stories about crippling whole families with “English Language Leaner Aides” delaying kids’ acquisition of THE one single most important indicator for success in this society: fluency in English.

      We do differ, you and I, about ROI detailing deadly force to repel invading aliens. As a matter of fact, I happen to agree with the Mexican government on this issue, although I disagree with some of their practices along their own southern border. The Mexican government, while deploring the deportation of its citizens who have invaded our country, does employ deadly force on its own southern border to deter alien invasion of its land. The kakistrocracy of Mexico does practice some things in defending its own southern border that I disagree with, though. The government turns a blind eye to the human trafficking and slavery practiced by some units of its armed forces who capture and sell alien invaders into slavery. Shoot ’em, sure. That does have the positive benefit of providing a discouragement to others (particularly if the corpses are prominently displayed), but sell ’em into slavery? Uncool.

  3. Meiyouyise. Ershi nian jian, women duo hui zhongwen.

    Or for those still capable of speaking the once-official language of the United States: “It doesn’t matter. In 20 years we’ll all be speaking Chinese anyway.”


  4. Addendum: How many parts of the constitution will be deliberately misinterpreted to mean what the liberals want it to mean? It’s like using the separation of church and state to end prayer in schools and nativity scenes on courthouse lawns, which, as you know, is not at all what that is about. You know, they may as well tear the constitution up and put what they really want in it.

    1. “Free speech”? I think alien invaders (those who enter this country in blatant disrespect of its laws) should be deported for using their native tongue. *heh* Otherwise, let ’em say anything political or religious they want. Those were the areas specifically targeted by the First Amendment as falling under free speech, after all. Of course, if they say what they want in some language other than English, the government (and, frankly, any other American who wishes to do so) ought to simply ignore ’em.

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