Political Dumbassery

Politics. #smh What leftard politicians and Hivemind Media Podpeople simply cannot understand is that their attacks on Trump’s cabinet picks are simply them digging the hole they are already in deeper. Take Kash Patel, for example. They cannot attack his record, because it is sterling. Did I say “sterling”? Nay, solid platinum. So? “Oh, yeh, let’s attack his demeanor and his attitude! That’ll do the trick! He just doesn’t fit with the FBI’s image and ethos.”

What they cannot see (because they are willfully blind) is that no rational, ethical, moral person approves of the ethos and image of the Felonious Barony of Iniquity. It is like Crabby Appleton: rotten to the core, and thus it should either be given an institutional purgative or completely razed to the ground.

“Once is happenstance. . . “

“. . . twice is coincidence; three times is enemy action.”

By that metric, the many thousands of times government at all levels, but especially at the federal level, attacks common citizens for no legitimate reason whatsoever says government is our enemy.

Every time I see “news” about a new federal government prosecution of anyone I have to first stop and wonder if it is legitimate, because the federal government is itself arguably in the top three largest criminal conspiracies on the planet, and the INjustice Department has a (not always recent) history weighted more and more on the side of illegitimate persecutions of common folks while at the same time letting those who violate the rights of others slide. It is the direct action arm of anarcho-tyranny.

But what can ya do? They give their agents of oppression guns and badges and immunity from almost all prosecution. What to do? Take cover. Keep your head on a swivel, and duck when you see them coming. Resistance—even if it’s just passively minding your own business—can get you (and your family and your puppy and. . . ) killed and your house burned to the ground. Ask Vicky Weaver. Oh, wait. You can’t because Lon Horiuchi murdered her (while she was holding a weapon—her baby). And Lon? Oh, he got to participate in the government’s mass murder of children at Waco for a reward.

Remember: Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds target the Innocent

Freedom! (?)

You do realize the two greatest benefits that would accrue from going back to a federal government that actually operated within the confines of its delegated powers, right?

    1. Elimination of at least 80% of the government workforce (since at least that much of the “feddle gummint” is outside constitutional legitimacy). It’d be MUCH less expensive to put all those bureaucraps on welfare than to continue to pay them and have them waste even more money on illegitimate crap.
  1.  Get the “feddle (rhymes with ‘meddle’) gummint” out of your life, as long as you do not violate the ACTUAL inherent rights of others.

Add in the FairTax and the federal government could become what it was intended to be: a defender of inerent rights whose significance is only brought to mind when it stomps on thugs violating (GENUINE, INHERENT) individual rights and on patriotic holidays.

It’d be a start. . .

Democracy in America

There are many reasons the Founders and Framers eschewed democracy as the framework for a national government and included instead elements of democracy within a republican framework. Still, along with its many flaws, democracy does have its shining golden moments. . .

Looking for the silver lining, I recall Alexis de Tocqueville’s comments on American society depending on voluntary associations and then I see all the VOLUNTEER efforts of private citizens in NC, etc., naturally contrasted with “feddle gummint” incompetence (that looks for all the world more like indifference, that most malicious of hates), and think to myself, “What do we REALLY need government for? Whatever it is, it ain’t this.”

So, I Saw a T-Shirt. . .

. . .that I can’t quite get behind, IYKWIMAITTYD.

Nah. That’s WAY too friendly, and besides, feds aren’t my type. You know, human. I’m not into bestiality, ya know. (Ya can’t blame me for dehumanizing the feds, because they have done it to themselves.)

INjustice, Thy Name is. . . Federal

Too many laws. Most of the laws on the fedgov’s books should be completely scrapped, metaphorically “nuked from orbit.” If they are truly necessary AND PROPER (undeniably completely within strict constitutional bounds), then re-pass them with the limitation that ONLY what is in the black letter of the bill is enforceable and the entire law must be strictly enforced on ALL inhabitants of the country, no exceptions or “immunities.” Period. What we have now is a complete, total, and absolute perversion of “equality before the law.”

Observations From A Limited, Idiosyncratic, Data Set

Given my limited data set (my own children and OPB* for example, grandchildren) I have known, it seems that, while all the babies I have known have been human, there is a brief period before they transition from intelligent infant to self-aware person. I have actually seen—or, at least I think I have—the *CLICK* when a baby suddenly thinks “Hey! I am ME!”

Before that point in time, they are still very definitely human, but thereafter, they are solidly PEOPLE.

Is it just me? Maybe.

The really sad, sad thing is that I see A LOT OF people in our society ceding their personhood to someone else’s “identity politics,” handing off the agency of their sapience to someone else’s control. Scary. But maybe the phenomenon only seems more widespread because it is so widely propagated by—wait for it— the Hivemind Media. Or, maybe the Hivemind Media is spreading the phenomenon. OR, perhaps I should embrace the power of “and.”

*OPB = other people’s babies