Do All “Vlads” Think Alike?

Chicken or egg? Do all “Vlads” think alike or did Vladimir Mordor learn this one from Vladimir Poutine? Or did they both just attend the same “Bloodthirsty Tyrant” conference?

N.B. Ukrainian “Vlads” apparently think differently. But then, they are “Volods,” so there’s that.

Defining Terms

Dhimmi: person living in a region overrun by Muslim conquest who pays “protection money” to the Islamic extortion racket in order to maintain a mere semblance of natural rights regularly abrogated by tyrannical Muslim rule.

Taxpayer: a person living in a region overrun by statist anarcho-tyrannists who pays “protection money” to a “gummint” extortion racket in order to maintain a mere semblance of natural rights regularly abrogated by statist anarcho-tyrannists.