Eprep Isn’t “Once and Done”

And involves a LOT more than just the time I spent today reorganizing and resupplying/rotating out/in items in both my EDC bag and BOB. Need also to recheck the pantry (for “shelter in place”–the most likely scenario), our PII folders for quick evac, GOOD-y boxes*, update FAKs and trauma pack, etc., etc.

In fact, for “shelter-in-place” scenario, a LOT of supplies need to be checked/updated. Update will? Yeh, but that’s a bit down on my list.

*GOOD-y Boxes: “Get Out Of Dodge”-y *heh* include more food, clothing, etc., as well as places to quickly file documents cleaned out of the safe, hard drives (which include ebook copies of much of my hard copy library, pictures, etc.), notebooks, etc.

The difficult thing about GOOD-y Boxes is maintaining enough transport space in vehicles. *heh* Have to leave room for pets and their carriers (in the case of the cats) and supplies.