Tap-and-Pay Apps?

How Hackers Can “Tap” Your Bank Accounts

Yeh, nope. Tap-and-pay may be convenient, but I have never been persuaded that it is safe, and so have never enabled it. I’m far safer carrying cash (because muggers? *heh* No, for many reasons).

Condition Yellow should apply at all times to data/device security, not just physical security.

For online purchases–another area of banking insecurity–I rely on several different tactics, including the careful use of a debit card tied to an account at my local bank that is designated for such use. . . a bank where my next door neighbor is head teller, and I know all the other folks in the bank as well. They look out for any anomalies very well.

Room to Swing a Cat

Whenever I hear or read that phrase, I always catch at least a glimpse of my 5-y.o. self grabbing the tail of the mean cat from next door and hammer-throwing it back across the fence. Good times. . .