Do All “Vlads” Think Alike?

Chicken or egg? Do all “Vlads” think alike or did Vladimir Mordor learn this one from Vladimir Poutine? Or did they both just attend the same “Bloodthirsty Tyrant” conference?

N.B. Ukrainian “Vlads” apparently think differently. But then, they are “Volods,” so there’s that.

Defining Terms

Dhimmi: person living in a region overrun by Muslim conquest who pays “protection money” to the Islamic extortion racket in order to maintain a mere semblance of natural rights regularly abrogated by tyrannical Muslim rule.

Taxpayer: a person living in a region overrun by statist anarcho-tyrannists who pays “protection money” to a “gummint” extortion racket in order to maintain a mere semblance of natural rights regularly abrogated by statist anarcho-tyrannists.

Travel Tip

Ottawa Mounted Police Charge Horses IntoCrowd, Disabled Elderly Woman Using WalkerTrampled Reported Killed, Police ClaimHer Walker Was Bicycle

“Shortly after the police mounted the charge and trampled the crowd, the Ottawa Police claimed via Twitter someone threw a bicycle at one of the horses. Video of the incident shows it wasn’t a bicycle, and it was not thrown, it was the mobility walker of the deceased victim as she was trampled by the horses.”

Do not EVER visit Ottawa, folks, at least not until the entire police department is scrubbed from top to bottom, and the city’s government razed to the ground and rebuilt from scratch. Sure, there MAY be A decent cop left in the OPD, but if so, he’s not all THAT decent, because he’s still a part of the OPD. I do not care what excuses they come up with (“No one was seriously hurt” meaning “Not one of US!” and “That mobility walker was a bicycle, and that disabled old lady threw it at a cop.”), the entire force should be disbanded and replaced with decent human beings.

Saw the Headline and Immediately Thought, “Democrat, right?”


Parents, 12-year-old say Abby Broyles verbally ‘accosted’ kids at Valentine’s party

And, filed under “In vino veritas,” this lil pull quote:

“According to multiple accounts of the evening, Broyles became intoxicated and spoke derogatorily to some of the girls. She allegedly called one girl an “acne fucker,” which prompted the girl to leave the room in tears. Broyles allegedly called another girl a “Hispanic fucker” and another a “judgy fucker.”

“At one point, Broyles allegedly vomited into a laundry basket and onto one girl’s shoes.”

Eprep Isn’t “Once and Done”

And involves a LOT more than just the time I spent today reorganizing and resupplying/rotating out/in items in both my EDC bag and BOB. Need also to recheck the pantry (for “shelter in place”–the most likely scenario), our PII folders for quick evac, GOOD-y boxes*, update FAKs and trauma pack, etc., etc.

In fact, for “shelter-in-place” scenario, a LOT of supplies need to be checked/updated. Update will? Yeh, but that’s a bit down on my list.

*GOOD-y Boxes: “Get Out Of Dodge”-y *heh* include more food, clothing, etc., as well as places to quickly file documents cleaned out of the safe, hard drives (which include ebook copies of much of my hard copy library, pictures, etc.), notebooks, etc.

The difficult thing about GOOD-y Boxes is maintaining enough transport space in vehicles. *heh* Have to leave room for pets and their carriers (in the case of the cats) and supplies.

Tap-and-Pay Apps?

How Hackers Can “Tap” Your Bank Accounts

Yeh, nope. Tap-and-pay may be convenient, but I have never been persuaded that it is safe, and so have never enabled it. I’m far safer carrying cash (because muggers? *heh* No, for many reasons).

Condition Yellow should apply at all times to data/device security, not just physical security.

For online purchases–another area of banking insecurity–I rely on several different tactics, including the careful use of a debit card tied to an account at my local bank that is designated for such use. . . a bank where my next door neighbor is head teller, and I know all the other folks in the bank as well. They look out for any anomalies very well.

Room to Swing a Cat

Whenever I hear or read that phrase, I always catch at least a glimpse of my 5-y.o. self grabbing the tail of the mean cat from next door and hammer-throwing it back across the fence. Good times. . .

It’s the Little Things #4,831 *heh*

I kinda wonder sometimes. . . I see snippets of TV (because I rarely see anything worth watching for a longer time), and programs that show characters riding horseback are, at best, a mixed bag. Sometimes, they’re just sacks of potatoes jouncing along. Painfully. At other times, I see riders posting the trot, but even then it’s usually very badly–often because their stirrups are badly hung.

I really have to wonder what the various people involved in the filming–from the actors to the directors to, well, whatever horse wrangler they may (or may not?) have are thinking. *smh*

But then, there’s the “Little Thing” #10 (and I am surprised there are any more highly ranked, but then. . . ): complete, total, and absolute blank space where firearms knowledge should exist in the script, direction, and action. That’s higher ranked, of course, because it’s dangerous (and not only on the set!).