Info That May Have Limited Appeal

Anyone traveling I-44 West to OKC who plans to travel the Oklahoma Turnpike sections, avoid Creek Turnpike–a bypass around Tulsa, OK.

  1. It’s 10 miles longer
  2. A lot of that’s “under construction” slow-downs–though of course there were no workers present at all, at all
  3. “Toll plazas” are generally unattended–even though there are booths; no attendants, just signs telling users to use correct change
  4. Equipment malfunction(s?–One guy in a car in another lane just kept throwing money in again and again until it finally let him pass!): one stop for a toll plaza–OF THREE!–counted the money, then refused to let me pass. Good sport, I. Called the toll free number to report the malfunction and hopefully avoid a ticket for running the thing. FIVE MINUTE HOLD
  5. Last “toll plaza”–big, UNOCCUPIED, armored car BLOCKING THE BILL CHANGER!!! Attendant ambled on out and was finally available totake my money…

Took almost 25 minutes LONGER using the “bypass” than going straight through Tulsa rush hour traffic.

OK Creek Turnpike: Waste of time and money. Avoid it. (And let’s all send [virtual] big bags of stinky, rotten onions to the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority.)

Why Good Grammar?

And why word usage that reflects understanding of the words used, or proper spelling and punctuation?

Neither can his mind be thought to be in tune, whose words do jar;
Nor his reason in frame, whose sentence is preposterous;
Nor his elocution clear and perfect,
Whose utterance breaks itself into fragments and uncertainties.
– Ben Johnson, Discoveries, 1641

Well-written prose is a reflection of clear thought. It’s just that simple. Continue reading “Why Good Grammar?”

Respect for Islam #2

And you said Muslims were humorless savages.

OK, so you were right, but they’re still easy to mock, even though theirs is a humorless, savage hate cult.

Give Peas a Chance


    Let There Be Peas on Earth

    Let there be peas on Earth,
    And take away broccoli;
    Let there be peas on Earth,
    For peas are what’s meant to be.
    Peas are delicious,
    Round and firm and sweet;
    Broccoli looks like a forest,
    And trees were not meant to eat!

    Please let there be peas on Earth,
    But rid it of broccoli.
    I’d like all peas on Earth,
    But never the broccoli.
    So, eat some peas,
    Bring me some peas,
    Peas are the best for me!
    Let there be peas on Earth,
    But take all the broccoli!

All I have to say is that if someone wants a person to “take all the broccoli” then I’m his man. Yum.

A Persistent Problem of Anti-liberal Faux “Liberalism”

As seen over and over again in the actual text of DNC speeches and delegates’ comments and Mass MEdia Podpeople “reports” (but I repeat myself *heh*), it’s difficult for people to reject the obvious lies their bigotry embraces and admit the facts staring them in the face demonstrate the wrongness of their positions.

Of course, it’s a problem for anyone–admitting one has been wrong because of bigotry, a fundamental bias against any particular really reality-based truth, and instead an embrace of “reality-based” fantasy–but I suppose it’s just that faux “liberals” are so very blatant about their bigotry, as seen in the brazenly racist motto so openly displayed at the DNC:

S’all right, y’all. You can come on over from the Dark Side. We’ll forgive you.

Funereal Foods

Well, still kinda riffing off the days spent w/family before/after my dad’s funeral. This is a twice-removed kind of post. At one of the family gatherings featuring comfort foods brought by my mom’s by friends, a small taste of something the preparer called “chicken spaghetti” (small spoonful was all I tasted) prompted me to make a kind of chicken tetrazinni the other night, using just what I had on hand. Turned out better than I expected it to.

    3 chicken breasts
    about 8 oz spaghetti broken into 4″ pieces* (see below)
    one medium onion, minced
    2 celery ribs, minced
    1/2 medium bell pepper, minced
    one can of cream of celery soup
    4 oz heavy cream
    2 C shredded cheese. I used a colby/cheddar mix.

Cube and cook the chicken breasts on medium heat, in olive oil, in a large fry pan. Add the bell pepper, celery and onion and turn down to simmer. Meanwhile, slightly over-cook the spaghetti in salted water. By that I mean to cook it well beyond the al dente stage that’s best for spaghetti you intend to eat as normal to a stage much fuller of water, softer but not falling apart. I’m not sure how many minutes’ time at the boil that would be for your altitude, whatever, so just keep an eye on it.

When the spaghetti’s ready and the bell pepper, onions and celery have joined the chicken in the Borg of Flavor Assimilation, drain the spaghetti and combine all the ingredients in a baking dish. Bake covered (foil or the baking dish’s cover, if it has one) at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes. Uncover and bake another 10 minutes or so until whatever cheese is just naturally on the top has nicely/barely browned–personal taste.

Remove from the oven and let it sit uncovered for a few minutes, then chow down.

It got a “Keeper” award from my Wonder Woman, so it’s OK. If I’d had some red bell peppers, I’d have added it to the minced veggies. Maybe next time.

No, this isn’t the “Chicken Spaghetti” recipe we had last weekend. That used cream of mushroom and cream of chicken soups, and Velveeta. *meh* Not exactly my thing, though it tasted pretty good at the time.

*about the spaghetti: I had a 32-oz box of spaghetti I wanted to store in a tall, decorative jar, but the spaghetti was 12″ long and I only had 8″ of storage, so… I made this recipe out of the 4″ I broke off the 12″ long spaghetti. Actually, it was those 4″ pieces that compelled me to make the dish in the first place, as I didn’t have a good place to store them, so… ๐Ÿ˜‰

This is just wrong, wrong, wrong…

…in so very many ways, but (I tell myself), I just can’t help myself. *heh*

So, I have an HP wireless adapter for an HP Wireless Printing whatchamacallit thingy to use making some ordinary USB-connected printer into a printer that’s connected to one’s wireless network. *meh* Worked OK, but has been superseded. Just gathering dust so… will it work as an ordinary wireless adapter to connect a Windoze computer to the Wireless network? Urm, no.


OK, so fire up Linux Mint in a VM. Hey! Mint sees the thing as a Realtek wireless adapter and will use it to connect to my wireless network! Cool.

So now I’m duplexing the VM while connecting with only this lil toy’s internal wireless adapter in the Windows 7 host. I need to “Minty-fy” a more capable RW machine and use this there. Fun.

VERY Simple Salsa Verde

One of the good things about my dad’s funeral gathering was getting to spend some time with my in-laws. Yeh, mostly the brother-in-laws (my one sister-in-law is a sweet gal, but she’s BIGTIME “Holly Homemaker” and I primarily see her bustling around playing “Martha” a la Luke 10:38-42). The guy who’s married to my middle sister is simply THE best cook of “Southwestern” (A/K/A “Mexican” though I try to avoid the term what with the Mesican gummint encouraging alien invaders of the US) food. Below is a simplification of one of the tasty chip-dippin’ sauces he makes, as approximately near to his as I can recall from acting as sou chef for him Monday evening, chopping, mincing, etc..

    One medium white onion, minced
    Six jalapeno peppers, minced
    Six serano peppers, minced
    salt (couple of pinches)
    A small “hand” of cilantro, coarsely chopped

Place in a sauce pan and almost cover with water. Bring to boil, then back it off to a simmer for 15-20 minutes, maybe a bit more.

Let it cool or eat it hot.

I don’t use cilantro in the version I make. I don’t care for the soapy taste. *shrugs* YMMV, of course.

Do wash your hands after handling the minced peppers and before touching any *cough* sensitive areas. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. ๐Ÿ™‚

BTW, if the above is a wee tad too spicy for you, you can ease that a bit by adding some tomatoes. Either chop some fresh tomatoes and add that (or simmer ’em a bit and add ’em if you prefer) or add some chopped, canned tomatoes. The natural sugars in the tomatoes will slightly ameliorate the spiciness. *shrugs* I’d have to add more peppers for mine. *heh*