“We All Belong to the Government”

Sweet! The 13th Amendment abolished slavery involuntary servitude (except as criminal punishment), effective December 6, 1865, but now the DNC, led by America’s “first ‘black’ *cough* president”–inadvertently (or arrogantly?) lets us in on the dirty little secret: the “feddle gummint” owns us, at least as far as Dhimmicraps are concerned.

Isn’t that special? The Zero is totally focused on keeping his promise to “fundamentally transform” the US… from “the land of the free” to “the home of the ruling classes and their serfs.”

Wear a “Sic Semper Tyrannis” button to vote in November, and make sure the tyrants are defeated at the polls.


More on the trip for my Dad’s funeral later. Here’s a small current affairs tidbit until then: fish in a barrel.

A commenter over at Ann Althouse’s place nailed The Zero’s move indoors to avoid taxing the powers of the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind to cover for all the empty seats in the stadium where he was scheduled to be “anointed” by his worshipers again, urm, avoid a 40% chance of rain in the stadium where a football game’s scheduled Saturday with a 50% chance of rain.

“By November, will he be giving speeches to a few people at the VFW, where people just happened by for the potato salad?”

We can only hope. *heh*