Give Peas a Chance


    Let There Be Peas on Earth

    Let there be peas on Earth,
    And take away broccoli;
    Let there be peas on Earth,
    For peas are what’s meant to be.
    Peas are delicious,
    Round and firm and sweet;
    Broccoli looks like a forest,
    And trees were not meant to eat!

    Please let there be peas on Earth,
    But rid it of broccoli.
    I’d like all peas on Earth,
    But never the broccoli.
    So, eat some peas,
    Bring me some peas,
    Peas are the best for me!
    Let there be peas on Earth,
    But take all the broccoli!

All I have to say is that if someone wants a person to “take all the broccoli” then I’m his man. Yum.

4 Replies to “Give Peas a Chance”

  1. I was 18 before I ate any peas and then only to avoid looking foolish in front of my girlfriend. I was at least 27 before I ate broccoli – I have gone off it slightly now but a good cheese sauce always helps.

    1. For me? Peas: fresh or frozen. Canned? Notsomuch. I especially like peas with anything accompanied by mashed (riced) potatoes and (whatever) gravy there may be, or in some soups and stews and in shepherd’s pie. Broccoli? Cooking it properly can be a challenge until one’s technique is well-established. Overcooked broccoli is just mush. Steamed is best for my palate, followed by its use in stir fry dishes. On the steamed, a nice cream sauce or creamy cheese sauce can make a delicious dish. A broccoli-rice casserole (broccoli, diced and sautéed onions, rice–pre-cooked–cream of mushroom (or chicken or celery, for variations) soup+some heavy cream, shredded cheese (I know some use a canned cheese soup or even Cheez Whiz, but I just can’t do that), piñon nuts or cashews and maybe some minced celery–sautéed as with the onions) is a treat. But I like broccoli raw, most often, perhaps with a sour cream or vinaigrette dip. Oh, I might peel the stems, because I least appreciate the skin (while, if he’s around, I’ll save those skins for my brother-in-law who’s a GREAT cook of “Southwestern dishes” since he eats broccoli skins as though they were candy *shrugs* Takes all kinds, I suppose :-)). Good on lettuce salads. Oh and when I’m cooking stir fry, I always slice the stems into little “coins” since they have a sort of water chestnut texture and a nice nutty flavor when stir fried, then add the florets just in time to crisp the outside a wee tad and steam them the rest of the way.

      Peas and broccoli: two good veggies, in my book.

  2. Peas on earth. There’s a better chance of that than of peace, especially with a President that’s always willing to give our enemies appease of his mind.

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