
Blogging around here may be sparse for a short while, as my Dad’s passed away, and there are all sorts of things that means, some not for public consumption. Thought I was well past ready for this, but I’m not. Oh well.

WWN 1923-2012

No more. I just feel there ought to be.

6 Replies to “Bye-Bye”

  1. Sorry to hear this news and, as I feel we are – at least remote – friends, I feel for you. Come back when you feel you can.

  2. Oh, David, I know how that hurts, no matter how well prepared you think you might be!

    I will be keeping you and your family in my prayers as you grieve, and I’m sending lots of love and hugs to you, my dear brother.

  3. David, Sending along a prayer from the heart in your time of loss. My own father had his birthday this week and I’m still fortunate to have both my parents at their ripe old age. I can’t talk with my dad on the phone as he is nearly deaf, our interaction is via my mom who keeps the line open. Again, sorry to hear about your loss. TF

  4. TY, guys n dolls. I have an update, following on his funeral yesterday. Some really “eustressful” surprises and gifts of love from some of the many, many people he touched, a “grateful nation” and on. Traveling today.

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