“I’m Givin’ It All She’s Got, Cap’n!”

OK, 105(+) degree weather. Roofing gig on hold. Why? Oh, not the temps so much. No, worn out right now from cutting up and removing a tree that fell last night. Oh, the tree removal’s nowhere near complete, but it’s cut up enough to get it off the house (no damage to house) and moved out of the way enough to be able to get back to work on the roof… when I’ve rested up a wee tad.

Still, looks like no actual roofing today. Have 65% of the roofing done. The heat allows just spurts of activity, so it’s been slow going, but getting done.

Interesting project.

Harry Reid Should Prove He’s Not a Pederast

Ever since Class A Jackass Harry Reid has started making undefended, unfounded, unsourced accusations of tax avoidance against MittRomney, unsourced allegations by unnamed, anonymous, redundant *heh* “sources” have surfaced that Harry Reid is a pederast. So far, Harry Reid has refused to offer any proof that he is not a pederast, raising “serious” questions among those who are willing to embrace his complete lack of ethics as to whether these allegations are true.

Just see for yourself. Type “Harry Reid” into a Google search bar and see what it suggests as possible terms to search for. I did.


Take that, Jackass Reid.