Still Waiting for This to Get a Fair Hearing

So far, the Hivemind has reacted to The FairTax only with disingenuous arguments or by echoing flat-out lies about the proposal. I have yet to see a real argument against it, only arguments against things it does not propose or misrepresentations of what it proposes. Check out the facts by reading the bill, exploring the work that’s been done to design the thing and looking at the rebuttals of all the lies and distortions by special interests who do not want to see fundamental tax reform.

Oh, The Joys of Typos

Not. Recently, I added a plugin to *cough* “optimize” a few things that needed tweaking around here, more or less “automagically”. Thing is, it did require a wee bit of input from me, and, as you know, my typing technique is, again more or less, urm, more or less, less.

In the blog title entry, I left out an “O”. No, not the one that would have been inconsequential and an obvious typo. The other one.

No wonder I have been receiving some weird porn SPAM comments the last few days… *heh*

Oh. Well.

Many thanks to the great guy at Bluehost tech support who ran it down for me. And shame on both my regular visitors for not telling me sooner. *heh*

Don’t Rag on Me for This, But…

My Wonder Woman and I were walking through our local “everything a buck or less (except in that lil section over there—–>>)” store and saw a raft of this stuff–all kinds:

OK, what the heck; it’s just a buck. But… being who I am, I’ll never know how it tastes made according to directions. Added sauteed onion and bell pepper and about 2C of mixed veggies (frozen) to the thing. Was… OK.