No Doubt Some Would Call Me a “Racist” for This

I don’t doubt some leftard (or other lying scum) would call me a racist for noticing the process The Zero and his co-conspirators, fellow travelers and devoted worshipers are engaged in, but who gives a rat’s patootie what such lying scum think, anyway? After all, they seem to call anyone who acknowledges reality (as opposed to embracing their “reality-based” fantasies) a racist nowadays. “Haterz” one and all.” *heh*

Given The Zero’s record to date and his plain statements revealing his personal philosophy and intent, it’s manifest that he and his ilk are intent on cannibalizing the US economy to feed the “feddle gummint” beast. In doing so, they’re using all the sharply-honed, advanced tactics of Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals and the Cloward-Pivin Strategy.

But one has to wonder if a cannibal using knives and forks and observing proper table manners is really an improvement over the cannibal in his natural state: nasty, brutish and short.

This thought bubbled up into my consciousness after I’d responded to someone who called The Zero “a lying sack of shit”. I demurred with, “No, he’s a small, polished turd in a big suit.” The contrast between his acquired polish laid over his savage hatred of common American values and ordinary American people, as evidenced in his policies, speech and writings (just read his ghosted self-adulations, if your high blood pressure meds are handy and you are in need of an emetic) is enough to validate the “small polished turd in a big suit” and bring forth this analogy.

If course, I think the image of a cannibal with knife and fork was buried in my mind 30-40 years ago by Stanislaw Lec. I think.

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