OK, I’m a Fan

I do NOT watch any professional sports at any level (including college pros–yeh, they’re mostly pros. Don’t let me get started). Boring. But this guy, with one lil save, has made me a fan. Not a baseball fan or a fan of his “club,” just an Evan Longoria fan:

Imagine that woman’s face if Longoria hadn’t sensed the ball coming and intervened. I’ve caught hard-hit balls barehanded, and it’s not a lot of fun, but my peripheral vision wouldn’t have zeroed in on that ball, even with the warning crack from the hit, on my best day, in my best shape.

Good save.

And did you see the look of shock (and awe?) on the interviewer’s face? Priceless. No doubt she’s a fan now, too, eh? 😉

Slim Pickin’s*

Here it is not even halfway through 2011 and names are being thrown about, tossed in the hat (and thrown back out; Newt, I’m talking to you, you jackass) and bruited about for potential presidential runs. Republican/Repugnican’t names only, of course, as The Zero has said, according to Billary, that he intends to win in 2012 “And then we’re done.” (Would that make the Biden presidency begin the day after the election? *heh*) But choices of decent candidates from the supposed “Right” are slim pickin’s*.

On one key issue, illegal immigration (or, as I prefer, “alien invasion”), Michele Bachman is the only potential candidate whose name has been floated so far who passes muster on this one of my three critical issues. (If Bobby Jindal’s name were to be raised–haven’t seen it so far–he’d make number two.)

Any candidate fielded for any national office who can articulate sensible policies concerning 1. Eliminating–or very nearly so (not controlling or limiting) illegals, or “alien invaders” 2. Revenue and expenditures (big points for balanced budget and FairTax stances) 3. U.S. energy independence will get not just my vote but my enthusiastic support.

Solutions to these issues aren’t exactly rocket science: most are pretty simple and straightforward, requiring only the ability to spit in the eye of the entrenched political elites and their co-conspirators, fellow travelers and useful idiots. The only really tough weed in my three critical issues is expenditures by the feds. So-called “entitlements” (grants of special privilege to gain political power from voting blocks) are the big bugaboo. But even Social Security and Medicare “grants of special privilege” issues can be dealt with. After all, families cared for their aged loved ones for millennia before those programs came around to suck the life from young workers’ paychecks. Positing less “feddle gummint” meddling overall, families could do so again today, especially if American citizens grew up and took responsibility for their own care and feeding back from the “feddle gummint”… or were required to because someone jerked the “safety net” out from under their lazy-assed, greedy, “grasshopper” feet.

Oh, but what to do about the “grants of special privilege” to the locust class (generational welfare “families”)? Screw ’em. While I can grant that States have authority to engage in some sort of charitable efforts to alleviate situational poverty, supposing of course that the particular States’ constitutions provide for such, despite the lies libtards have sold for a generation or more, the federal Constitution does NOT give the “feddle gummint” authority to practice charitable acts with public funds. Let local communities, State agencies, private groups and associations handle the matter. And if “welfare queens” and their courts object, ship ’em to Mexico.

*Orthographic note: No, I did not misuse that apostrophe. And no, I did not mean to make “pickin” possessive, and nor did I mean “pickin is”. As you no doubt rightly inferred, the apostrophe is there because I extracted the “g” from “pickings” simply to effect a colloquial pronunciation in readers’ ears.


I thought to myself, “Meself, mayhap ‘t’would be a Good Thing to expand on, “not exactly rocket science.” So, herewith the third world county central fixes for the thee Big Issues:

1. Eliminating–or very nearly so (not controlling or limiting but eliminating) illegals, or “alien invaders”

a. Build the damned fence already.
b. Place machine gun nests with interlocking fields of fire and ROE that demands “shoot to kill” on the border
c. Go after those who employ illegals. Seize ALL the assets–including “sheltered” family assets–of ANYONE who employs illegals and cannot PROVE they made BEST faith efforts (not just “good faith”–exhaustive efforts) to eliminate alien invaders from their employ.
d. Pay a bounty to citizens ONLY for ratting out illegals and employers of illegals.
e. Refuse ALL government services, save emergency services for immediately life-threatening health care to any and all illegals and place bureaucraps who circumvent this on chain gangs making little rocks out of big ones.


Streamline LEGAL immigration for those seeking to enter the country who can demonstrate that they will both not be a burden on society and are likely to benefit our nation.

2. Revenue and expenditures (big points for balanced budget and FairTax stances).

a. Pass a balanced budget amendment, even if it takes working to defeat every spendthrift asswipe politician from now until the Trump of Doom sounds. Never give up. Make one provision of the amendment that politicians *gag-spit* who want to institute programs that exceed revenues must pay for those programs out of their own pockets.
b. Pass the Fairtax already. Any and every argument I’ve seen against it (save one) has been disingenuous to the point of outright lies. The only honest argument I’ve seen against it is that it would remove so much power from the “political elite” that they’d never pass it. So? Work to put their asses on the unemployment line and get some people in who are willing to have less power at their fingertips. Take the brakes off the American economy, aready!
c. Yeh, start being honest with folks about “entitlements”–we can’t afford ’em, and we for sure can’t afford to keep expanding them. For folks already addicted to ’em, let ’em sunset, slowly, but with the two provisions above in place, that’d be possible, because everyone who worked would have more in their pocket to handle such things, either as family or via real charities as opposed to government “charity” which is simply stolen resources bestowed on those who don’t earn them.

3. U.S. energy independence.

a. Put all the whining greenies that bitch and moan about how awful nuclear power is and place roadblocks to oil, gas and coal development and play NIMBY with new refineries out in the wilderness with a fishhook and a pocket knife and leave ’em to starve. (Feel free to go ahead and pity the wildlife.)
b. Go ahead and drill baby drill, build a few (hundred) pebble bed reactors (or any of the other exciting new nuclear reactor designs), put a thermal depolymerization plant in every tiny lil community that wants to actually MAKE MONEY via turning their sewage into oil, open up exploration and development of ALL hydrocarbon energy supplies, oh, and go ahead and remove roadblocks (as if there were any) along with artificial supports to development of “alternative energy sources”.

Oh, and as to the “drill baby drill” meme, check this:

There. Third world county central’s prescription for three big issues (we’ll leave The Biggest** for the Second Coming or perhaps the Twelfth of Never (sigh*) that face us.

**The Biggest: *@^^^3* politicians who either stupidly and ignorantly OR wittingly and venally violate the Constitution… just because they can, all the while either lying about what they want to do being constitutional or just not caring at all whether it is or isn’t (Yeh, Newt, I’m looking at you, too).

Be Nice to the “Slower” Members of the Herd

Been following the onslaught of Mac users infecting themselves with the Mac Defender/Mac Security scareware/trojan? The weaker members of the Mac herd (which probably comprises only about 90% of the herd *heh*) are the only ones susceptible to the social engineering ploy leading them to self-infect. *sheesh* OSX even uses the same sort of “superuser” or administrator password authentication that almost all ‘nix OSes do, which means users who infect themselves have to intervene to allow the scareware/trojan to install itself. (Windows users have griped about this sort of security nagging only since Vista… but careless Windows users still circumvent it as well.)

Here’s info from a leaked internal Apple memo about the issue:

Read it and weep. Apple, the paragon of user friendliness and service, says to its users essentially, “Screw you.” Oh, the memo points to a “helpful” page on malware in the Apple docs archive:


The sad thing is that the article at the link is a case of closing the barn door after the horse has fled, as it offers absolutely no help to someone who’s already infected themselves. Bupkis, zip, nada, a big zero with the rim kicked off. Oh, well. That’s Apple, eh?

If you do run into any of the 5% of computer users who use OSX who are among the subset that has infected themselves, just be kind to these weaker members of the herd, OK? 😉 I’ve had to practice being nice to self-infectors for years with Windows users, so I know full well what it’s like to bite my tongue when someone insists–contrafactually–that they did nothing to infect themselves. *heh*

Oh, and contrast Apple’s “Screw you” policy with Evil Microsoft’s policy:

The screencap shows only part of a fairly detailed article with more than a few FREE options for removal of malware. Apple, paragon of virtue: “Screw you,” to users. Evil Microsoft: “Here are some helpful, FREE avenues to take.”

A Simple Equation

The Reality-Based Fantasies of the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind, Academia Nut Fruitcakes, Hollyweird and all the Loony Left Moonbat Brigade of leftard fellow travelers and useful idiots is to reality what “Reality TV” is to, well, reality. That is, both classes, the Reality-Based Fantasies of the left and “Reality TV” are simply lies. That “Reality TV” shows are putatively innocuous lies, supposedly entertaining (though I have never found them so, even though I’ve given each one at least one shot to garner my attention, just to be fair) and highly-manipulated fictions set in extremely unreal circumstances designed to primarily just waste brain-dead viewers’ time (and kill a few more brain cells), the lies of the left are designed for more nefarious purposes.

But both are, in essence, simply lies.

So, [the left’s Reality-Based Fantasies~”Reality TV”]=Lies.

Anthropological Research Topic

There’s probably a doctoral thesis in an exploration of the “Reality-Based” Fantasy community of wandering leftards, the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind, Academia Nut Fruitcakes and assorted fellow travelers to discover the points–if any–where its world view has some (accidental?) connection to real reality…

Original, Carefully Crafted Lies from The Zero

Nothing unusual here; these are just typical, bald-faced lies from The Zero. Not news.

Of course, one of the “lies” above wasn’t a lie but a misstatement of fact from the historically sub-literate goof the sub-literate, moronic electorate chose as the proper representative of a lobotomized sheeple.

Cheap (No, Really Cheap) Reads

A recent article on ebook sales led me to look up the 99¢ Amazon-priced “Donovan Creed” books self-published by John Locke. Compared to the $8-10 pricing for ebook editions with similar themes by “name” authors, the one I am now reading is probably priced appropriately. *heh* But then there are the absolutely hilarious things the author gets away with, like this:

I spent the next two hours running the perimeter of the Sensory Resources complex, which is far and away the most beautiful running course I’ve ever seen. I’d describe it in detail if I had the time, but I don’t.

I’m still laughing at that one. Most authors, having made the fist statement (“…most beautiful running course…”) would have felt compelled to actually describe the course. Not this guy. “Hey! I’m only charging 99¢ for the book. I’m not going to go to all the trouble to actually describe the thing! If readers want that kind of thing, let ’em read a book written by someone who gives a damn.”

The book’s just filled with that kind of backhanded, implied snark. Hilarious.

The Way The Zero is “Leading…

..from behind,” (well, he and his co-conspirators in the current attempts to utterly destroy not just the U.S. but Western Civilization*) Shelley’s mordant observation about the hubris of egotistic “leaders” of (once) great civilizations may seem optimistic a century from now:


I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: “Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
`My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!’
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away”.

Hmmm, “Obamandias”?

*“Liberalism is a philosophy of consolation for Western civilization as it commits suicide.” — James Burnham

Happy Mothers Day in the Land of the (Once) Free

Victor David Hanson’s “Thoughts on a Surreal Depression” contains these sobering words:

… the law-biding stifled by red tape, the non-law-biding considered exempt from accountability on the basis of simple cost-to-benefit logic. A speeder on the freeway will pay a $300 ticket for going 75mph and justifies the legions of highway patrol officers now on the road; going after an unlicensed peddler or rural dumper is a money-losing proposition for government.

(BTW, VDH, Samuel T. Francis described the circumstances you bemoan 18 years ago as anarcho-tyrrany: punishing the law-abiding and rewarding outlaws.)

So, mothers, at the least, pray for the country your children will inherit from your hands. (And fathers, pay some *&^%@#$ attention, too.)

BTW, I’m very glad I had a mother. Don’t know where I’d be without one. *heh* Also glad she’s still around, and I can pick up the phone and say “Hi” any old time I want to. I’ll do that this afternoon…