Are You Ready?

For this afternoon’s predicted “Rapture” event (See Acts 1:6-7 and 1 Thessalonians 5:1-2 for the nitty-gritty), that is. Ya don’t want to come home to find one of these on your door, now do you? Hmmm?

(Be sure to print some out and spread them around town, eh?)

Seen at Look! A Baby Wolf! via Autumn People.

UPDATE: Well, here it is a day later and I’m still here. Now, some (yeh, I’m lookin’ at you) might not think that’s much in the way of evidence that the Rapture didn’t occur anyway (and I’m not so sure I wouldn’t agree, were one to judge by my life* *heh*), but last I checked, my Wonder Woman is still around, and you’ll not find a better Christian than she is.

But Harold Camping, con man extraordinaire, still has a net worth over $70million… Not bad, if he can still live with himself.

*Not that that is the criterion by which “raptured” souls will be judged. (Ephesians 2:8-9, among other passages in The Bible.)