A Simple Equation

The Reality-Based Fantasies of the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind, Academia Nut Fruitcakes, Hollyweird and all the Loony Left Moonbat Brigade of leftard fellow travelers and useful idiots is to reality what “Reality TV” is to, well, reality. That is, both classes, the Reality-Based Fantasies of the left and “Reality TV” are simply lies. That “Reality TV” shows are putatively innocuous lies, supposedly entertaining (though I have never found them so, even though I’ve given each one at least one shot to garner my attention, just to be fair) and highly-manipulated fictions set in extremely unreal circumstances designed to primarily just waste brain-dead viewers’ time (and kill a few more brain cells), the lies of the left are designed for more nefarious purposes.

But both are, in essence, simply lies.

So, [the left’s Reality-Based Fantasies~”Reality TV”]=Lies.

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