A recent article on ebook sales led me to look up the 99¢ Amazon-priced “Donovan Creed” books self-published by John Locke. Compared to the $8-10 pricing for ebook editions with similar themes by “name” authors, the one I am now reading is probably priced appropriately. *heh* But then there are the absolutely hilarious things the author gets away with, like this:
I spent the next two hours running the perimeter of the Sensory Resources complex, which is far and away the most beautiful running course I’ve ever seen. I’d describe it in detail if I had the time, but I don’t.
I’m still laughing at that one. Most authors, having made the fist statement (“…most beautiful running course…”) would have felt compelled to actually describe the course. Not this guy. “Hey! I’m only charging 99¢ for the book. I’m not going to go to all the trouble to actually describe the thing! If readers want that kind of thing, let ’em read a book written by someone who gives a damn.”
The book’s just filled with that kind of backhanded, implied snark. Hilarious.