Dumbing Down to “Catch Up”

Opera 11 browser will finally allow extensions to the browser to be installed. The vast crowd of Firefox Zombies may now pay some attention to Opera, though for the wrong reasons, of course. A commenter at the Opera Desktop Team blog summed up my first thoughts pretty well:

But hey, progress I guess. Even if it’s progress to play “catch up” with other barebones, feature-poor browsers that need extensions to make them complete.

Indeed. I use Firefox and Chrome as much as I can stand to do so, and find them to be clumsy, feature-poor browsers that very obviously need extensions just to emulate many of the basic functionalities already built in (and for quite some time) to Opera. And I have yet to find extensions for those browsers that allow me to easily emulate some of the more advanced features I use every day in Opera.

Oh, well. Maybe folks who simply haven’t looked at Opera because it “doesn’t have extensions” (that it doesn’t usually need) will look at it now that the desktop team has decided to catch back with those “feature-poor browsers that need extensions to make them complete.” (I can recall one loon “tech writer” griping a few years ago because Opera didn’t have an extension for ad blocking or for mouse gestures. Idiot. Those are built in features of Opera.)

Can’t Wait to Do This Myself

OK, I can wait; I just don’t want to. But since I have to (wait on an order from Amazon.com, that is), I guess I can do it. *heh*

I have just enough saffron left to try this–popped amaranth seeds–in a mock paella/chicken dish, I think. If not, I suppose I can sub in tumeric for the look, though the flavor will be substantially different to saffron.

Neat thing: amaranth is higher in protein than rice (~28g/cup vs. ~13g/cup) and gluten-free, as opposed to almost all couscous or other mock-grain pastas also used for paellas (as well as being higher in protein). More? Also higher in resistant starch than the other alternatives.

Next, I’ll have to see about popping quinoa… Again, waiting. *heh*

No Surprises at All

I doubt that readers here will be surprised by anything in the video below, but I’d encourage you to spread it… and to do as the video suggests and expand your knowledge of The Cult of Hate that is Islam.


“Know your enemy” is a wise saying indeed… And Islam is, by its own definitive “holy books” YOUR enemy, unless you submit to it.

And further…


Updating the Emperor

“The opinion of ten thousand men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject.” —Marcus Aurelius

Nowadays, our electorate can more properly be described by,

“The opinion of ten thousand men is of no value if they are all willfully ignorant.”

There are adequate means now for ANY person in these (dys)United States to be adequately well-informed about the important issues of the day, but, sadly, few bother to take the time or make the effort to do anything but soak up–directly or indirectly–the viewpoints of the Ruling Elite mostly via the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind.

Keep in mind: your ignorant, self-enstupiated neighbor’s vote counts just as much as yours does.

Educate the stupid.

Quick Security Tip for Lazy Surfers

If you want to be at least minimally responsible in your surfing but don’t want to put a lot of thought into it, here’s a quick lil tutorial on avoiding unsafe sites. The writer’s preferred solution, WOT, is better than not half bad, and with a javascript implementation, it’s even useful cross-platform and cross-browser. Here’s a WOT-enabled Google search on “free” (the red circle says, essentially, “Click this link only of you are really stupid”):

WOT’s not to like?