Can’t Wait to Do This Myself

OK, I can wait; I just don’t want to. But since I have to (wait on an order from, that is), I guess I can do it. *heh*

I have just enough saffron left to try this–popped amaranth seeds–in a mock paella/chicken dish, I think. If not, I suppose I can sub in tumeric for the look, though the flavor will be substantially different to saffron.

Neat thing: amaranth is higher in protein than rice (~28g/cup vs. ~13g/cup) and gluten-free, as opposed to almost all couscous or other mock-grain pastas also used for paellas (as well as being higher in protein). More? Also higher in resistant starch than the other alternatives.

Next, I’ll have to see about popping quinoa… Again, waiting. *heh*