About That Halloween Thing…

Our children never really did much Halloween stuff. Our choice, but they didn’t suffer for it, as we made sure they had other opportunities to wear fun costumes, go to parties and gorge on candy. And we made sure, when they were older and not engaged in other parties/gorging on Halloween, that we had plenty of candy available to give out to the greedy lil waifs who came to our door, until…

Our final participation in the annual shakedown was when kids became coming by and demanding their extortion candy so rudely that we simply rebelled at supporting such barbaric behavior any more. “Give it to me!” delivered rudely by a little “girl” (apprentice Dhimmicrap, more like) in a princess outfit wasn’t the last straw, but it was one of the more memorable ones.

Nope. Not going there again. They can find someone(s) else to give them sugar highs and expand their parents’ dental bills.