The Brightest, Most Intelligent President Evah #1

I know this has been beat to death, but it needs to be used to beat something else to political death.

Barack Obama: “I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go?”

Yeh, yeh, I’ve heard all the excuses about this “mis-speaking” but none of them wash. It doesn’t matter HOW tired or pressured this asshole was, “57” (with one left to go–and specifically excepting Alaska and Hawaii, since he was referring to the contiguous states) is simply not the kind of thing that any American who’s marginally literate would even mistakenly say, because the 48 contiguous States would have been drilled into his unconscious.

No, this “intelligent” Hahvahd-edumacated idiot has only a surface, semi-, transient connection to anything approaching a knowledge of American history and geography, and he’s ruling by fiat from the White House along with fellow Dhimmicrappic conspirators against the Constitution in Congress who are afraid Guam will capsize because of over-population and that “every month that we do not have an economic recovery package 500 million Americans lose their jobs.” (Total US population is somewhere a tad north of 300 Million, even counting children, illegals, retirees and welfare slugs.)

Hmmm, seems innumeracy is rampant in the “Party of Smart People” eh?

I Really Don’t Get It

Whoopee! Not.

So, “Apple Unveils 11.6-Inch MacBook Air, New 13.3-Inch Model”–this is big news? The 11.6″, 1.4-GHz Core 2 Duo model with a meager 64GB of storage (granted, SSD, but still… only 64 GB?) supposedly has a “full size keyboard” (how, with such a small form factor? I suspect “full size keyboard” is Applespeak for, “DEFINITELY NOT full-size keyboard” *heh*), this miniature computer starts at… $999.


The lil toy computer I’m writing this on has a 15.6″ screen, running a dual core Intel 2.2Ghz processor with a reasonable 320GB of storage and a real keyboard, including a number keypad, for… $500. And it’s a brand with just about the lowest incidence of notebook failure among PCs, easily as low as or lower than Macbook failure rates.

So, why the buzz about this miniature, underpowered toy Apple notebook? Why, it’s an Apple, of course. And yes, at significantly less capability (and strapped into the Mac OSX straitjacket *feh*), it does have the virtue of weighing 1/2 what my lil toy Asus does. That’s for weenies who can’t handle carrying more than the 2.3 pounds the lil underpowered toy weighs. Anyone who has trouble carrying a 5-6 pound notebook (or having it on their lap for a few hours’ time, if that’s all the “desk” they have) deserves an Apple straitjacket. Weenies.