“Burning a Koran is a waste of toilet paper”

But not to fear, as it’s not good toilet paper.

But do notice something (even those doctrinally illiterate Muslims who may stumble across this):

What’s shown in the picture is NOT a Koran. It’s a translation, which, according to the word of the founder of the hate cult, means IT IS NOT A KORAN. One could wipe with or burn or flush (or, somehow, all three :-)) such translations all day long, 365 days of the year and never once wipe with or burn or flush a Koran.

So, the next time you hear an al taqiyya -practicing Muslim or some Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind frothing at the mouth about some infidel “desecrating” Mohamed’s Textbook for Terrorists, ask yourself (or them, if they’re within shoutin’ distance) if it’s a real Koran or just a translation they’re frothing at the mouth about.

Whatever you do, I highly recommend reading a translation of the Koran. The old adage about knowing one’s enemy applies. Here’s an online version to read. You may feel a need to scrub your brain after doing so, perhaps an almost irresistible urge to poke your eyes out… but it’s still useful to discover just what an evil piece of work Mohamed was and the powerful, powerful influence he still exerts today, since Islam teaches that Mohamed’s words are ultimate truth and to be followed, his life emulated in all areas of Muslim life.

Compare and Contrast

A thought experiment: Based on past behavior, compare and contrast the likely chattering class response to the following hypothetical put forth by Jerry Pournelle:

Query: if I put in an application to the National Endowment for the Arts for $#!& Mohammed in which I will lower an Arabic Koran into a plastic ice chest of camel excrement, will that be counted as creative art and displayed in the National Art Museum?

Now, compare and contrast the chattering class’ likely response to what?

To anything–ANYTHING–an American, no the “chattering class” isn’t American; it’s anti-American–might respond with.

Any responses, class?


About That Time of Year, Again

Well, I’m just about to break out my fermentation containers again. I have enough materials on hand to make almost 30 gallons of beer, and need only to get some additional stuff to make some sparkling apple cider for the Thanksgiving/Christmas seasons.

Speaking of which… a simple not-quite-recipe (you’ll have to read between the lines, that is, have some brewing knowledge to get this one) for a simple, inexpensive sparkling apple cider:

Enough frozen apple juice (can have vitamin C but no other preservatives!) to make about 4 gallons of juice.
About 4 cups of sugar
Some wine yeast–preferably “champagne” yeast, but almost any WINE yeast will do

You get the picture. After fermentation for at least a week, you can rack the resultant cider and continue to ferment for another month or so. If you have a hydrometer to measure alcoholic content, you can use that to determine your preferred level. Bottle in bottles designed to hold high-pressure carbonation, like those used for any sparkling wine or juice (will need bottle caps and a bottle capper or sparkling wine corks and wires OR just use some handy-dandy Grolsch swingtop bottles like I do) with anywhere from 1/2 teaspoon to a teaspoon of sugar per bottle to “charge” the bottles, depending on the size of the bottle. 1/2 teaspoon for a typical 12oz beer bottle, 3/4 for a 16oz and a teaspoon for a typical sparkling wine bottle.

Each 4 gallons will allow you to bottle almost 40 12oz bottles of the sparkling goodness. Anchor Steam bottles are particularly attractive for this use, if sparkling wine bottles or Grolsch swingtops aren’t available. I’ve also used some nice green Stella Artois bottles for sparkling hard cider, as well.

Let ’em carbonate in the bottle for a week or two, then store ’em in a cool place (I’m thinking our garage will be cool enough by then)

Most excellent imbibery!

Is Too

I saw a post recently on FB where the author was a tad exercised by arguments by Islamic liars that Islam is a “race”. The post’s author was arguing, essentially, “Not!” I trumped his argument with,

“Islam is TOO a race… to hell.”

Never Forget

I’d like to see an electronic billboard playing this 24x7x365(.25) on a jumbo screen across the street from the site of the proposed Jihadist’s Cordoba House Victory Mosque in NYC:

Heck, I’d like to see it playing, along with an appropriate semi-permanent text message*, beside it on all sides of the proposed Jihadist’s Cordoba House Victory Mosque.

*For example, something like this:

Text could be varied by season. For example, during the Islamic new year, which celebrates Mohamed’s hijra (establishment of his warlord power in Medina), it could read,

“Happy Butcher of Medina Celebration, Pigdog Jihadists” or other epigram appropriate to the season that celebrates Mohamed’s massacre of 900 Banu Qurayzah Jewish men, the plundering of their goods, and the rape and enslavement of their women and children.


“A cult is any group uses psychological coercion to recruit, indoctrinate and retain its members. The group forms an elitist totalitarian society. The group founder leader is self-appointed, dogmatic, messianic, not accountable, has charismatic and narcissistic behavior issues. The group believes ‘the end justifies the means’ in order to solicit funds and recruit people. The group wealth does not benefit its members or society. Islam and their Allah is not a religion but no more than a cult political organization used to control their members to achieve worldwide conquest.”–John Tydlaska Jr. via Facebook.

Just An Honest Question

First, a little background of a personal nature. Long time readers of this lil space in the interwebs know that we lost two family members last year, Son&Heir’s “Boys”–his two dogs–went to their heavenly reward. We’ve not gotten another dog since, though I was sorely tempted earlier this week when some clients offered me a sweet American Pit Bull pup (almost a year old, but still very much a puppy). Nice dog, just didn’t know how I’d get him past my Wonder Woman. *heh*

Were I to have accepted their offer, I think I would have named the dog “Mohamed” (and called him simply “Mo” or “Ham”–maybe even “MoHam” or… “Ed” *heh*) and published pictures of him here with his pedigree… direct descent from the prophet of that hate cult, Islam, though the breed has obviously been much, MUCH improved since the generation of that pig-dog, The Butcher of Medina.

So, the question: since I have no dog to publish pictures of under the name “Mohamed” are there any readers of this space willing to take up the torch for me?


More Wisdom from the Good Doctor

Jerry Pournelle’s website isn’t a typical blog in many ways, although he does claim to be the “original blog” *heh* One of the ways it differs is that it’s (mostly) divided into two parts, with extra stuff thrown around to the sides. There’s Mail and there’s View. Mail is conversations between Dr. Pournelle and his correspondents. View is simply semi-random thoughts floating about in Dr. Pournelle’s head, posted for the world to see.

Another of the ways his site is atypical of most blogs is that its content is so very often much more interesting and his contributors–all via email only–are often the most thoughtful and thought-provoking to be found on blogs.

Here’re some excerpts from a recent exchange:

Sue: “…American educators spend so much time re-inventing and re-naming educational paradigms that they forget that there are important, basic skills we all need to know in order to run our lives and survive….”

J.E.P.: “The purpose of the school system is to pay its employees. A second purpose seems to be to provide a primary hamper to the children of citizens not part of the ruling class. Most of the teachers don’t know that’s the purpose, but if that were the goal how might it be better done and still manage to pay all the employees and not merely be abolished in rage by the taxpayers?”

That was yesterday. On Tuesday we have a glimpse at a different topic in this snippet:

“…The real disaster would be a Republican Congress that becomes tax collectors for Democratic programs. That would not quite be as great a disaster as we are experiencing at present.

We got rid of the Creeps. We need to get rid of the Nuts, and return to the notion of a Republic that provides rules and order and does not attempt to ‘solve all problems.’

God is not willing to do everything, and thus take away our free will and that share of glory which belongs to us. –Niccolo Machiavelli

We need a Federal Government which understands that applies to them, too. It isn’t God.”

And from yesterday’ View”

The big flap on this particular day of the silly season remains the threat of the Florida clergyman to burn a Koran.

I also note from what I saw of his collection of books to be burned, none is a Koran. The Koran is explicit: it cannot be translated, and any copy in any language other than the original Arabic is not a Koran and must not be considered a Koran by any Islamic scholar. None of the books I saw in his collection are Arabic. Now he intends to be insulting and insulting he can be by burning a translation, but blasphemous against Islam (which I presume is his intent) he cannot be without an Arabic copy. Actually one wonders whether any such overt action of an infidel is any more sacrilegious than the existence of the infidel who has not submitted to Islam nor submitted to dhimmitude by paying tribute.

Of course, those who aren’t familiar with the teachings of Islam can go ahead and allow disingenuous Muslims to mislead them, as usual.

“Protect and Defend… “

This video/painting by Jon McNaughton highlights an important issue that most of today’s politicians *spit*, the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind, Academia Nut Fruitcakes and their ilk simply ignore or lie about: the effects of the rampant unconstitutionality pouring out on the country from that cesspool, Washington D.C.

I do have some major problems with the painting though. Lincoln’s apparent dismay at trampling the Constitution? *feh* His entire administration was the most egregious example of unconstitutional behavior of the 19th century, and forms the prime excuse for th hyper-centralization of power that corrupts the Founders’ federalism that we have today.

And Andrew Jackson’s apparent neutrality, as depicted in the painting? *gag* Recall, Jackson’s the guy who pushed for–and got!–the Great Sack and Pillage that resulted in the Trail of Tears, surely one of the darkest times for human rights in American history. Were I able to travel back in time, it’s a tossup which one of these tyrants I’d rather strangle in their cribs.

Fugetaboutit. I’d do both.

Still, the video/painting does raise an important issue for today… and points the finger straight at the most prominent proponent alive today of the complete and utter destruction of The Founders’ Constitution.