Just An Honest Question

First, a little background of a personal nature. Long time readers of this lil space in the interwebs know that we lost two family members last year, Son&Heir’s “Boys”–his two dogs–went to their heavenly reward. We’ve not gotten another dog since, though I was sorely tempted earlier this week when some clients offered me a sweet American Pit Bull pup (almost a year old, but still very much a puppy). Nice dog, just didn’t know how I’d get him past my Wonder Woman. *heh*

Were I to have accepted their offer, I think I would have named the dog “Mohamed” (and called him simply “Mo” or “Ham”–maybe even “MoHam” or… “Ed” *heh*) and published pictures of him here with his pedigree… direct descent from the prophet of that hate cult, Islam, though the breed has obviously been much, MUCH improved since the generation of that pig-dog, The Butcher of Medina.

So, the question: since I have no dog to publish pictures of under the name “Mohamed” are there any readers of this space willing to take up the torch for me?
