
As obliquely promised to Nicole, here’s another lil smoothie “recipe” (indeterminate amounts in a couple of cases almost require the “”).

Mocha Mint Smoothie

1C cold coffee (just chill some ahead of time from some coffee brewed from freshly-ground beans)
2 scoops chocolate-flavored whey powder
a small handful of fresh, rinsed mint leaves (you do have a stand of mint handy, don’t you? ;-))
2TPS heavy cream
2TBS finely-ground flax seed (almost to powder/flour consistency–use your blade coffee grinder or a burr grinder set to as fine as it’ll grind)
1/2 Tsp leucine
1/2 Tsp D-Ribose
2TBS sucralose
~1.5 C ice.

Blend until smooth.

Yum. A good breakfast all on its lonesome, when time to cook bacon and eggs, etc., might be short. Can add a raw egg if you want (pasteurize by dipping in boiling water for NO MORE than a minute, if salmonella is a concern for you).