Is Too

I saw a post recently on FB where the author was a tad exercised by arguments by Islamic liars that Islam is a “race”. The post’s author was arguing, essentially, “Not!” I trumped his argument with,

“Islam is TOO a race… to hell.”

2 Replies to “Is Too”

  1. This reminds me, for some strange reason, of what I think every time I see the dateline Islamabad in the paper. I read “Islamabad” but in my mind I hear it in an accent that even I can’t place (Maybe Italian?), as “Islam-a BAD!”

    There. It is confirmed. I’m a little crazy.

    1. Not nearly as batshit crazy as Islam is, Mel. Not even on the same planet in magnitude… Why, you’re not crazy at all, in fact; you’re just “eccentric”. 🙂

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