
No, not this one:



An almost, sort of recipe.

A pound of ground beef
2 eggs
S&P to taste (but at least grind ’em fresh, ‘K?)
a couple cloves of garlic, pressed
1/2 large yellow onion, chopped
a dash or five of Worcestershire sauce
a few dashes of liquid smoke and teriyaki sauce
Mix that all together and press into a loaf pan.
Top it with tomato paste
Cover and bake for 3/4 hour at 350° Fahrenheit
Uncover and continue baking for another 1/4 hour

Veggie will be french cut green beans with almonds. Nuked from frozen. Maybe some bacon salt on ’em. 🙂

Oh, and I took some dried potatoes out of a scalloped potato mix* and put in the bottom of the pan. We’ll just have to see how it all turns out, eh?

A better use for ’em than using the mix itself, IMO.

Even Though This Is Very Early, It’s Still Too Late for This Year…


I hate doing “Christmas” posts this early, but I used to have to start preparing for Christmas about March (long story), and since I have to start preparing for doing something like this NEXT year NOW (IF I actually end up doing it next year–may take longer*), I suppose this is OK…

See what I mean? and the “*” above? Well, I threw a bunch of bottles out recently *sigh* and I also brew about as much as I buy, so getting enough bottles–especially green ones–may take me a while. Especially since I only manage 1-2 beers/day.

But since I must start really early preparing for this, I may as well post the intention now as well, eh?

I guess it popped into my head to look for something like this since today starts another brew season for me. First up? Three brews: a “Vienna lager” style, a wheat beer and some “Georgy-Porgy Molasses Beer” (with fewer cloves and more orange zest this year). If I get them all started today, then in a couple of weeks I may be able to start bottle conditioning enough to last me past New Year’s Day, though, of course, I’ll probably start another few batches as soon as these come out of the primary fermentation “bottles”. (I have several different primary fermentation tubs of different food grade plastics for primary fermentation. Why food grade plastics? Cheaper and easier to store, just as easy to keep clean and lighter when I have to move them. Oh, and a couple of them are from unusual *cough* sources, so cheaper still. Yeh, I’m cheap. Wanna make something of it? ;-))


Here ya go: I could fit the last 4 levels of something like this in our bay window this Xmas…

Office Apps

Although I have Microsoft Office (2003, 2007 and 2010) installed on various physical and virtual machines, it’s mostly for use as a reference when someone has questions or problems, as I standardized my personal office application use several years ago on the free, cross platform OpenOffice.

Now, since Oracle bought Sun, the original source of Star Office and OpenOffice, the folks developing OpenOffice have forked the code off and formed The Document Foundation and are offering LibreOffice, which is readily recognizable as OpenOffice.

Nice that they’re attempting to keep Oracle’s hands out of the pie. Actually, when I said I’d standardized on OpenOffice, earlier, I slightly misspoke. About a year ago, I switched to another fork (or is it just a patched version with more compatibility with M$Office, etc.? The two “sides” are argued with equal vigor by people whose arguments I just don’t care about *heh*), Go-OO, a patched and slightly slicker Novell offering. Still free and still uses all the same OO interfaces and file structures, etc. There has been some friction between Go-OO developers and OO developers, but none of that matters to me. I will take a look to see if there are differences that make a difference for me in the LibreOffice offering, though.