Immigration Reform

Walter Williams’ position is one I can endorse:

Here’s Williams’ suggestion in a nutshell. Start strict enforcement of immigration law, as Arizona has begun. Strictly enforce border security. Most importantly, modernize and streamline our cumbersome immigration laws so that people can more easily migrate to our country.

Of course, he might not endorse my own position on “strict enforcement of immigration law” and strict “enforce[ment of] border security” as I’d take “strict” to be synonymous with “Draconian”. That is, I’d make sure that ANYONE caught employing illegal aliens (alien invaders) was simply and plainly put out of business, all properties confiscated and put on the auction block (with previous owners excluded from bidding from prison). Of course, that’d take some modifications to existing laws, but bureaucraps do that all the time already without any quibbles from congresscritters. Then, machine gun nests or whatever else is necessary along our borders (along with Naval patrols of our waters) with “shoot to kill” ROI. All that’d take would be an executive order. That’d about do it for enforcing our sovereignty over our borders.

Then, of course, overhauling our immigration processes to allow potentially useful immigrants to more easily enter would be a Very Good Thing, but ONLY after working as diligently as possible to get rid of the scofflaws and place serious barriers to their return. (Yes, I’d take note–including biometric data–of all alien invaders caught for deportation and put them permanently on a “back of the line until no one else from your country wants to come in” list. It’s the only Fair way to deal with line jumpers.)

Christie for President?

Maybe it’s time for anorexic politicians to be pushed out of national politics?

Gov Christie calls S-L columnist thin-skinned for inquiring about his “confrontational tone”.

“Now, I could say it really nicely. I could say it in the way that you all might be more comfortable with. Maybe we could go back to the last administration where I could say it in a way you wouldn’t even understand it. . . . When you ask me questions, I’m going to answer them directly, straightly, bluntly, and nobody in New Jersey is going to have to wonder where I am on an issue. . . .”

We need more of this from politicians *spit* in general. No more bullshit.