Dog Days

Been getting more sweat-inducing work recently. Long story, but good outcome.

We’re staging in our own implementation of zoned AC here at twc central, and my office hasn’t been put in the loop, yet. One-a these days… 😉 But since I’ve been getting some serious shirt sleeve time in the humidity (though only upper 80s) outdoors for the past week or so, no AC with a room temp of 86F isn’t all that bad. Of course, that’s near the computers. The other side of the room’s only 82.4 right now. *heh* Balmy. Can’t wait to move my office to the basement…

Went shopping for a new dishwasher on my birthday. Going to wait on buying and having our selection installed until I can definitely schedule to be here for the installation, though. My schedule right now is too crazy. Maybe the end of June. Set the $$ aside and plan the work… And no, I’m not stupid enough to do the installation myself. Almost, but not quite. (I will pull the old one out, though. I can do something like that on one of those nights when sleep eludes me ;-))

As soon as I have my table saw back, I have several projects around the house to do this summer. Should be fun.

And then there are the lil compy projects I have on standby… While I really like various ‘nix distros, and for normal, everyday computing I think Linux or BSD are really quite easily Good Enough (and in many ways superior to Windows), I really have to stay current with M$ software, since that’s where folks need help. (Hmmm, seems there ought to be something to say there… ) Oh, my calls for help with Apple computers are about as great in terms of percentages of users *heh*, it’s just that there really aren’t very many Mac users in America’s Third World County and hereabouts.

And Linux users? The population is pretty much confined to a few geeks and some users I have switched over to Linux.

So, more Microsoft products to play with on twc central computers. I have several licensed copies/versions of XP and Windows 7, and even copies of Windows Server 2008(R2) and Windows Home Server to play around with this summer. Heck, if WHS is “Good Enough” I might just keep that around for other users here at twc central. Then there’re copies of Office 2007 (which I’ve been avoiding using) and 2010 I probably ought to install and noodle around with. If my schedule ever slows down enough, I think I can find things to keep busy.

Oh, this post is being written in a new WinXP64 VM session. No reason to have XP except for the fact that so many folks still use it. Nice the way Virtualbox runs just about any OS so very nicely in VMs. A full installation of XP in a Virtualbox session is MUCH better (more complete, “real”) than M$’s “XP Mode” available in Win7 Pro and up. Not that it’s all that great to begin with. I never warmed up to XP, so all I can say is, it works at least as well as XP on a physical machine.

(Rambling any? Tired and just… rambling.)