Nice Brew!

While I have another couple of gallons of beer bottle conditioning, I decided to branch out a bit and try a Sam Adams pilsner, Noble Pils. Very nice. Hopsy bitterness balanced with a nice, rich maltiness. The flowery aromas aren’t as accessible, since it has such a small head (which disappears quickly, leaving no lacing whatsoever), but it’s still a nice accompaniment to a meal. Very nice stuff, and a reminder of the validity of Ben Franklin’s observation that, “Beer is evidence that God loves us and wants us to be happy.”


It’s one of Sam Adams'[ seasonals, so expect it to disappear from store shelves soon.


“He is not here; He is risen.”


A springtime day; a windy hill:
A man had come to die.
Torture done, the crowd grew still:
He breathed out one last sigh.

Prince of life; Creator-Son–
Died on Calv’ry’s tree:
Lord of all creation,
Crucified for me!

Then all the shadowed sway of earth
Groaned aloud in pain–
That God, who came in humble birth,
Had died for mankind’s gain.

Prince of life; Creator-Son–
Died on Calv’ry’s tree:
Lord of all creation,
Crucified for me!

But as the heav’ns in darkness raged
And oceans foamed and roared,
Christ, the Son, would not be caged,
So, from death’s prison soared.

Prince of Life; Creator-Son:
Victorious, the battle’s won.

©1993 David W. Needham

And yes, I know it was not for me alone, but given the parable of the shepherd and the lost sheep, were I alone in need, He’d have done the same.

Now, THAT is but one of many critical differences between Christianity and another religion that shall go unnamed.

Continue reading “Easter”

Send These to Congress

Do you think if we sent a raft of these to Congress we could keep the “idjit congresscritters” busy enough to get ’em out of our hair for a while?

It’s worth a shot…

Note plans and instructions here showing how you too can make The World’s Most Useless Machine.


Things like the “Seventh Generation” ad I just saw (while watching HGTV) just make me want to puke. The ad promoted “Seventh Generation” chemical cleaners as not being “chemicals”. Assinine. Of course their products are chemicals. For example, according to the company’s own (required by law) Material Safety Data Sheet on its Chlorine Free Bleach, it contains “Cosmetic Grade (whatever that is) Peroxide” and as anyone not “educated” in public schools in the past quarter of a century knows, peroxide is a chemical. And a poisonous chemical that is a dangerous eye irritant as well. (Do note: some miseducated in public schools correct some of public school’s–A.K.A., “prisons for kids”–flaws with autodidacticism and so know that companies like “Seventh Generation” are bloviating, putrescent liars.)

Ditto for the rest of the “Seventh Generation” so-called “non-chemical” chemicals.

Companies like this depend on an enstupiated, illiterate public to survive. I say, kill such companies off, if for nothing else their dishonesty and concerted efforts to further lobotomize an enstupiated population of sheeple.

Freedom of Association

Voted for Obama? Go elsewhere for medical care.

Of course (I say, “of course” because, well, it’s a Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind organ citing an Academia Nut Fruitcake, so, of course), the linked article misses the point, with one “professor of bioethics, law and medical professionalism” misstating the doctor’s notice as simply a free speech issue vs. medical ethics, when rightly the issue is also–and more importantly–one of free association. As one writer, speaking normatively, has put it,

That the Constitution guarantees freedom of association to each of us does not mean that we may each associate with anyone we choose. It means that we may associate with whoever also agrees to associate with us.


“Revolutionizing the Way We Make Fun of Apple”


Too easy. The iPad: the new low-hanging fruit in Apple mockery.

Addendum: from the site linked above:

Take a stand against vanity, conceit, and the cult of personality. Don’t be fooled by purveyors of dumbed-down, locked-down, semi-functional pieces of planned obsolescence. Computers and electronic devices are tools, not fashion accessories. They do not define who you are or what group you belong to. Any company or culture that insists otherwise is deeply creepy. Apple haters unite!

This post was not written using ANY Apple product.

And THIS Is an Improvement!

Keep in mind that this “maroon” is the replacement for Cynthia McKinney in Congress, so as unbelievably stupid as he is, he’s an improvement.


But still, as a Loony Left Moonbat, he’s one of the brighter of the flock.

h.t. Hot Air

Computer Annoyances

Why the %^&* are most USB ports in the back of most computers? I mean really? Sure, one needs a few in the rear, and for notebooks it makes much more sense to put things like USB ports in the rear (at least given the way we use ’em most here at twc central), but what do you need USB ports in the rear of your computer for apart from for a printer and maybe keyboard/mouse? And for a keyboard/mouse, well heck, you really need only one USB port to install a wireless adapter, right? 🙂 OK, the TV remote’s USB red-eye dongle doesn’t have to move a lot, so I’ll give you that one, too.

With almost eveything else, from thumb drives to cameras to even external drives, it’s a real PITA to plug the things into the back.

Oh, well. I just string on USB extension cables galore, since the two built-in front USB ports on this hawg are ALWAYS populated. But still. Seriously, why doesn’t my case have a built-in set of six or eight ports in front that I can attach to a mobo header or add-in card? And why do most add-in hubs only have four ports? *sigh*

Oh. Well. I’ll be adding a USB 3.0 card to this hawg as soon as the standard settles a bit and peripherals become available, anyway. Maybe by then add-on hubs with more ports will be available.

(And yeh, yeh, I know I can always add an external hub. BTDT. Just more desktop clutter. Not that it’d be noticeable. *heh*)