Common Sense on Research Funding

As always, Jerry Pournelle is worth paying attention to:

When most science is funded through taxes, then the peer review process takes over. Science administration is a bureaucracy, and that bureaucracy is as subject to the Iron Law of Bureaucracy as any other. The process weeds out silly grant applications and those based on truly unsound science, but it also weeds out bold challenges to the consensus, and the number of “peers” who adhere to the consensus grows. The result is concentration of resources on the popular hypotheses: often a good thing, but no formula for breakthroughs. How to fund contrarian ideas is the real challenge to government funding of science. We don’t really want to be handing grants off to the Flat Earth Society, but you know, I’d rather give them a million or so each century than beggar the country in order to enrich Al Gore.

Of course, any reasonable person would rather fund harmless kooks than fund deliberate liars (like Algore) who are out to enrich themselves by doing harm to enormous numbers of people.

New Hope

In nearly 40 years of cutting my own hair, I’ve discovered 2 things:

1. I’m no more or less likely to give myself a bad haircut than the barbers I went to before I divorced myself from the habit of letting someone else butcher my head and

2. haircuts are an expression of both new beginnings and… hope.

“It’ll grow out.”

Change You Can Believe In…


It’s nice to know that we have a First Lady who’s so very supportive of her husband’s committment to rein in spending. (I’m amazed I got that out without laughing my head off, gagging and puking, or an RCOB* descending over my eyes. Amazed, I say. On many levels.)

Mary Todd Lincoln was ridiculed for purchasing china for the White House during the Civil War. Mamie Eisenhower had to pay the salary for her personal secretary … herself. And, Laura Bush was criticized for her staff earning $561,325 in annual salaries. But Queen Michelle has set a new staff salary precedent for the First Lady … who performs absolutely no official duties … during the most severe economic turmoil of our lifetimes.

See Michelle Obama’s Staff Salary Totals $1.6 Million for more. Would the last hypocrite in the Mass MEdia Podpeople’s Army please just shut off the lights on the way out?

*RCOB=”red curtain of blood”–a certain sign of an impending berserker rage with a blood pressure measured in the explosive range…