More on Upgrading Windows 7

Woody asked a question in comments on Win 7 Upgrade, so I thought posting PC World’s chart showing the feature sets of different versions might help folks out:


CLICK on pic to enbiggen. 😉

Do note: to upgrade Windows XP or 32-bit Windows Vista to Win7, at the present time, the only way is to install a fresh copy of Windows 7, requiring a backup and restore of your current data. Fortunately, the Win7 install routine will do a “files and settings” type “transfer” of your current data to a folder in your new Win7 installation, from which you may later “import” your data. Applications will require reinstallation in almost all cases. Vista 64-bit users are in luck, though, since Win7 64-bit will simply upgrade your computer w/o needing to do a “transfer” of files and settings. Backing up before ANY Windows upgrade is just the right thing to do in any case.

And again, for those who want to sniff the flowers from across the divide, here are links to PC-BSD and Ubuntu. (PC-BSD still holds the record in my personal use for easiest and fastest installation of an OS–even easier and faster than a hard disk install of Puppy Linux, which nevertheless is still my fav OS for older, under-powered machines.)

Win7 Upgrade

If you “preorder” Windows 7 by July 11, 2009, you can upgrade to the best Microsoft OS (for the average user) since Windows 2000 Pro. I’ve been using Win7 since the general beta release early this year and it’s been an overall pleasant experience. Right up there with a fresh install of Ubuntu 9.04, IMO. For someone who’s committed to using Windows, for whatever reason, if your hardware meets the basic requirements, the deal’s a steal. Better, IMO, than either XP or Vista, at $50 to upgrade there’s little reason for a dedicated Windows user to skip this one.


(CLICK on pic to enlarge)

See the M$ order page here. And no, M$ doesn’t give me a dime for my opinions or for your purchase, should you buy.

If you want to jump ship from the M$ juggernaut, try Ubuntu or PC-BSD.

Using Windows Live Writer

We’ll just see how well Windows Live Writer does in writing blogposts. Hmm, seems all right, now how about publishing the thing?preschool squabble kitteh n tortoise

Inserting pics is easy-peasy. Once more requirement met.

Some really messy code that I cleaned up in “source” mode. But then, I got used to that sort of thing when I used FrontPage for a while.

This is cool!

For non-technical users who nevertheless want to have access to their home computers when away from home (or easily share pictures with Aunt Sadie or whatever), Opera has announced Opera Unite:

Opera Unite is a unique technology that turns any computer or device running Opera into a Web server. In other words, your computer (running Opera Unite) is truly part of the fabric of the Web, rather than just interacting with it, and it’s something anyone can use. With Opera Unite, everyday non-technical users can serve and share content and services directly from their own computers in the form of intuitive applications.

Easy-peasy access to ones files from anywhere? I’ll be testing this out over the next few days and weeks to see how different (and better for non-techies?) this is to other remote computing/file sharing options like VNC.

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Movie Maker Beta

The collection of Windows Live apps available for XP, Vista and Windows 7 is a grab bag of useful and useless (to me) apps that I’d avoided for some time since my last exposure to the collection in the Windows 7 Beta. But. I have a growing collection of unmanageably huge wtv files from Windows Media Center recordings, and wanted to burn the things to DVD in a usable format, so…

Of to the M$ Windows Live download site for the Windows Live Movie Maker Beta. Sure, it meant telling the installer app “Hell no!” when it wanted to install the crappy Windows Live mail and other useless junk, but the photo management app and Movie Maker (which, strangely, does not come in ANY version with Windows 7) were what I wanted to try out, so off to the races.

And with just a lil fumbling around, the Movie Maker Beta converted a wtv of the season premiere of Burn Notice to wmv format. OK enough, I suppose, for archiving. But it’s really, really slow and borked on me once, requiring a retry. Not only that, but the one-hour show is still more than a 3GB file size! What will I do with 2 hour shows? *mpph* Not good enough. Worse? “Editing” capabilities in the app are almost non-existant. Very “not good enough”.

The Wasteland

Passing observation…

To me “oldies” refers to Purcell, Palestrina and des Prez. Contemporary music after Duke Ellington mostly… isn’t. Music that is. Yeh, there are some truly remarkable exceptions–including a few in rock music. But on the whole the latter part of the 20th Century anno domini was a musical wasteland–especially in the “serious” music category, IMO. And it’s not gotten much better in the first decade of the 21st Century. Still even the worst music can perform a useful function, serving as very good bad examples. Unfortunately, it seems the moral decline in our country (and generally in the Western world) is matched or even overmatched by a decline in musical perception among the masses.

Jose Ortega y Gasset’s “mass man” strikes again…

Writing in 1930 or so, Ortega y Gasset said, “The characteristic of the hour is that the commonplace mind, knowing itself to be commonplace, has the assurance to proclaim the rights of the commonplace and to impose them wherever it will.” And it is even more so today, as the lowest common denominator in morality, in knowledge and in reasoning yields us such nightmares as crap rap and Barack Hussein Obama… Ortega y Gasset’s observations echo the reasons the Founders did NOT structure the United States as a democracy. And yes, I do certainly believe that crap “music” and crappy government are related in a society that has come to think of itself as democratic.

Celebrate Flight!

Today, June 18, is the Women’s Transatlantic Flight Anniversary. In 1928, Amelia Earhart flew from Newfoundland to Wales in 21 hours. In 1932, she became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. Now, of course, we have the TSA strip-searching lil old grandmothers. My how times have changed…

For something more on the spirit of flight,

The music is

The Mass

The Mass

Speed! ;-)

Geeky. Skip if compgeeky stuff isn’t your thing. Other stuff below.

About once or twice a week, I use several “Internet speed test” sites to check my ISP’s service. I was REALLY disappointed the other day when it was down to about a 4mb/s download speed and latency was an order of magnitude worse than my usual; yeh, even though I already knew everything was loading r e a l l y, r e a l l y s l o w l y, I was still disappointed. Still, with an average d/l speed of 8.36mb/s (and my peak, so far, of 8.92mb/s), I’m not too disappointed with my ISP. Upload speeds are under 0.5mb/s, of course, but I rarely upload multi-gigabyte files, so that’s not a huge bottleneck (I break my uploads for backups into more manageable chunks, and usually do them overnight, anyway).

Decaying Moral Fiber

[A repost, with redactions for typos, orthography and tenses, of a post buried two years back in the archives]

Originally stated as, “A decaying moral fiber, especially in America’s so-called ‘Christian’ churches.” And, of course, once again I’ll not do more than skim a very, very small aspect of the issue, leaving you, faithful reader, to do your own homework to discover the veracity of my observations… or not..

Now, before some subliterate self-lobotomized moron jumps in making a defense of “slut and rut” sexual mores resulting from a thoroughly moribund sexual morality and attacks the raising of this issue as mere prudery, let me remind us all that morality relates to all of our daily lives, not just sex.

Honesty, respect for property, respect for persons, etc., that results in a condemnation and avoidance of lies, thievery and unjust violence against and manipulation and coercion of individuals: those are hallmarks of moral individuals and a moral society.

What we have is… not that.

Simple example: heck, forget cops who speed on their way to a donut break–an all too common occurrence. What about so-called “Christian” pastors who break traffic laws speeding to a preaching gig?

…it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience. This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor. — Romans 13:5-7

So-called “Christian” pastors who think nothing of disobeying traffic or other laws are worse than politicians and LEOs who break whatever laws they wish, because in breaking the law, these so-called “Christian” pastors know they are accountable not only to the State and to society at large for their behavior but have represented themselves as accountable to a Higher Power for obeying the laws of the land.

But even if the shepherd of a flock leads the sheep astray by his actions, the sheeple of individual flocks of self-proclaimed “Christians” are still responsible for their actions.

Years ago, a group of us were discussing the passage above (and others) in a morning study group one Sunday. A deacon who was present had responsibilities in the service that followed, and interrupted the service for a personal confession and act of repentance. Between the time of the study group and the morning service, he had gone out to his car and removed his radar detector which he placed on the communion table saying that he was “convicted” of his sin in using it to disobey the law and get away with it. He made a public commitment then to start obeying the law.

Laudable, on its face.

After the service, of course, he picked the radar detector back up and re-installed it in his car and drove off as usual.

Now, you may think I’m playing nit-picker singling out traffic scofflaws as examples of moral depravity among churchgoers. Well, imprimis, traffic scofflaws can stand simply as examples of the many ways in which “good” church folks are often anything but. And those who stand as some sort of authority figures within churches who are scofflaws in one area of their lives have no moral suasion when speaking in others. And, as with the deacon mentioned above, most often the outright lies and blatant hypocrisy are moral wounds that even more deeply hamper “good churchgoers'” ability to impact society for good.

And after all, why should they even try to do so when their congregations are more and more openly embracing the “bread and circus” atmosphere of society at large in order to draw “seekers” in for fleecing?

Bah. The fundamental lie that blemishes most so-called “Christian” churches today is that they claim to be “people of the Book” all the while picking and choosing and explaining away or just flat denying what the Book they claim to use as their manual for life says.

And that’s the fundamental immorality of much of so-called “Christendom” today: the lie of claiming to be followers of Christ while trampling on His teachings.

(Liars are always immoral, by definition. )

Go ahead. Apply these thoughts to yourself, if you claim to be Christian, or even if you claim–if only in your own eyes–to be as “good” as a Christian ought to strive to be. Are “white lies” acceptable to you? Where do you draw the line between telling the truth and lying? Does it make any difference that you draw your own line? No. Does it make any difference that intellectual and spiritual laziness and dishonesty permeates much of what calls itself “Christian” today? Yes. Such, “Well, sure I do such and so (or, alternatively, “fail do any bit of real good at all, at all”), but I’m still a good person!” lies do nothing to persuade onlookers who see only the lies, the hypocrisy, the self-serving disrespect for law*, the fact that so-called Christians cannot be discerned in behavior from those who are outside the club. (Indeed, because of a long association with Christians–both genuine and typically fake–I avoid doing business with anyone who sells themselves and their services by promoting their self-proclaimed Christianity as a reason to do business with them. Almost always a sure sign of fakery, IMO.)

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is… Romans 12:2

Anyone who denies that distinctly Christian principles and manners of thought and behavior form the basis for (former?) American success in creating a free and open society is an idiot, a liar or an uninformed idiotic liar. And one has to ask oneself what the motives of the liars who deny the Christian foundations (or who deny the value of those foundations, as the ACLU and its ilk regularly do) are. Still, as those values steadily erode and I watch more and more Christian churches wallow in pellagianism, embracing “hip-hop theology” and denying the life and work of the One they putatively claim to follow, I have to wonder, “Where is the Amos to call these contemporary faux Christians to account?”

I dunno. It certainly doesn’t seem to be something many (most?) of the pulpits of contemporary “Christian” churches seem wont to do. I do know a prophet is without honor in his own country, and that anyone who points out that the emperor’s new clothes… “ain’t thar” is in very deep doo-doo.

As [a past] quote in the header of this blog read,

“Speaking the Truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” George Orwell

Methinks we need a few more revolutionaries.

*BTW, is there such a thing as a true Christian who nevertheless disobeys the law deliberately? Of course there is. One instance in the New Testament gives an example of the only legitimate excuse a person claiming to be a Christian may have to deliberately disobey the laws of his community. Other excuses are bushwah, B.S., phony, lies. None of the folks I’ve heard make arguments for churches running “sanctuaries” for illegal aliens meet the criterion for biblically proper civil disobedience. None. Not one. Zero, zilch, nada, a big suck on a sour lemon’s worth. And never is simple personal convenience, pleasure or advantage a legitimate excuse for flouting laws, at least not for people who claim to be following the Nazarene. People who claim to be followers of Christ but who routinely and habitually and illegitimately flout the laws of their community without pang of conscience are plainly and simply liars, hypocrites and the truth is not in them–and that’s a fundamental failing of morality.

See also,


for more along these lines.

Quote of the Month…

…maybe demi-decade:

The problem in the next four years will be not just that the president of the United States serially does not tell the truth. Instead, the real crisis in our brave new relativist world will be that those who demonstrate that he is untruthful will themselves be accused of lying.–Victor Davis Hanson