Change You Can Believe In…


It’s nice to know that we have a First Lady who’s so very supportive of her husband’s committment to rein in spending. (I’m amazed I got that out without laughing my head off, gagging and puking, or an RCOB* descending over my eyes. Amazed, I say. On many levels.)

Mary Todd Lincoln was ridiculed for purchasing china for the White House during the Civil War. Mamie Eisenhower had to pay the salary for her personal secretary … herself. And, Laura Bush was criticized for her staff earning $561,325 in annual salaries. But Queen Michelle has set a new staff salary precedent for the First Lady … who performs absolutely no official duties … during the most severe economic turmoil of our lifetimes.

See Michelle Obama’s Staff Salary Totals $1.6 Million for more. Would the last hypocrite in the Mass MEdia Podpeople’s Army please just shut off the lights on the way out?

*RCOB=”red curtain of blood”–a certain sign of an impending berserker rage with a blood pressure measured in the explosive range…

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