Win7 Upgrade

If you “preorder” Windows 7 by July 11, 2009, you can upgrade to the best Microsoft OS (for the average user) since Windows 2000 Pro. I’ve been using Win7 since the general beta release early this year and it’s been an overall pleasant experience. Right up there with a fresh install of Ubuntu 9.04, IMO. For someone who’s committed to using Windows, for whatever reason, if your hardware meets the basic requirements, the deal’s a steal. Better, IMO, than either XP or Vista, at $50 to upgrade there’s little reason for a dedicated Windows user to skip this one.


(CLICK on pic to enlarge)

See the M$ order page here. And no, M$ doesn’t give me a dime for my opinions or for your purchase, should you buy.

If you want to jump ship from the M$ juggernaut, try Ubuntu or PC-BSD.

Using Windows Live Writer

We’ll just see how well Windows Live Writer does in writing blogposts. Hmm, seems all right, now how about publishing the thing?preschool squabble kitteh n tortoise

Inserting pics is easy-peasy. Once more requirement met.

Some really messy code that I cleaned up in “source” mode. But then, I got used to that sort of thing when I used FrontPage for a while.