More on Upgrading Windows 7

Woody asked a question in comments on Win 7 Upgrade, so I thought posting PC World’s chart showing the feature sets of different versions might help folks out:


CLICK on pic to enbiggen. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Do note: to upgrade Windows XP or 32-bit Windows Vista to Win7, at the present time, the only way is to install a fresh copy of Windows 7, requiring a backup and restore of your current data. Fortunately, the Win7 install routine will do a “files and settings” type “transfer” of your current data to a folder in your new Win7 installation, from which you may later “import” your data. Applications will require reinstallation in almost all cases. Vista 64-bit users are in luck, though, since Win7 64-bit will simply upgrade your computer w/o needing to do a “transfer” of files and settings. Backing up before ANY Windows upgrade is just the right thing to do in any case.

And again, for those who want to sniff the flowers from across the divide, here are links to PC-BSD and Ubuntu. (PC-BSD still holds the record in my personal use for easiest and fastest installation of an OS–even easier and faster than a hard disk install of Puppy Linux, which nevertheless is still my fav OS for older, under-powered machines.)

6 Replies to “More on Upgrading Windows 7”

    1. What, Mel? Not even anything about Ubuntu 9.04 or PC-BSD 7.0.2? After all, Even Snow Leopard is just Apple’s shell (and introduced insecurities) over BSD, and PC-BSD can wear an OS X-like look and feel and be more secure than OS X… *heh*

  1. Well, I at least will probably be upgrading to Windows 7. Some of the features sound like they’ll be worth having. I wonder how the boot to a “virtual HDD” will go…

    I guess it’s time NOW to make sure my backup is complete and fresh before the release.

    1. Well, Perri, if my experience “upgrading” from Win7 Beta to Win7 RC is any indication, while backing up is a Very Good Thing, it’ll probably be just a “belt and suspenders” thing. The “upgrade” from Win7 Beta to Win7 RC required a FULL INSTALL instead of a more normal “upgrade” experience, but the process offered–and successfully accomplished–backing up all my files to a Windows.old folder on my drive, where all my data files were readily available. All my programs were backed up as well, but, of course, almost all required reinstallation. Notaproblem, since I either had the installation media or could just redownload ’em and have ’em back up and running in no time. Best and easiest Windows installation/upgrade experience I have ever had. About as easy as an Ubuntu install, though not as easy or as fast as a PC-BSD install. Now, I just have to make sure I “preorder” the Win7 upgrade for my Wonder Woman’s computer and make sure Son&Heir gets his in for his new “hawg” before the cutoff date for the steal deals…

  2. HELP! For a whole week now I have not been able to use Linkfest and by the looks of it, no one else can either. Please help us, o kind one. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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