Evidence That “Moderate Muslims” Cannot Exist

Found here, all it takes is one paragraph to prove definitively that moderate Muslims cannot exist, only true believers, subjugated “believers” who practice Islam from fear, soi disant “moderates” practicing so-called “holy deception” of infidels, and heretics. I repeat: If this has any correlation to the real world (and it does), then there can truly be no “moderate” Muslims:

AL Aqidah ALTahawiyya


In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate Praise be to Allah, Lord of all the worlds.

The great scholar Hujjat al-lslam Abu Ja’far al-Warraq al-Tahawi al-Misri, may Allah have mercy on him, said: This is a presentation of the beliefs of Ahl al-Sunna wa al-Jama`a, according to the school of the jurists of this religion, Abu Hanifa al-Nu`man ibn Thabit al-Kufi, Abu Yusuf Ya`qub ibn Ibrahim al-Ansari and Abu `Abdullah Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Shaybani, may Allah be pleased with them all, and what they believe regarding the fundamentals of the religion and their faith in the Lord of the worlds…

…The Qur’an is the word of Allah. It came from Him as speech without it being possible to say how. He sent it down on His Messenger as revelation. The believers accept it, as absolute truth. They are certain that it is, in truth, the word of Allah. It is not created as is the speech of human beings, and anyone who hears it and claims that it is human speech has become an unbeliever. Allah warns him and censures him and threatens him with Fire when He says, Exalted is He: “I will burn him in the Fire.” (al-Muddaththir 74:26) When Allah threatens with the Fire those who say “This is just human speech” (74:25) we know for certain that it is the speech of the Creator of mankind and that it is totally unlike the speech of mankind.

Now, if you have a stomach strong enough, go read the “holy books” of Islam. The Koran alone is FULL of “absolute truth” enjoining Muslims to kill or enslave unbelievers in their cult and FULL of blessings promised for those who do so. If it is the teaching of Islam (and it is) that the Koran is “absolute truth” then Muslims who are in any way, shape, fashion or form in agreement with the Koran support–by direct action or inaction–the murder, rape, pillage, torture and subjugation the Koran dictates as the fate of unbelievers at the hand of those who are Muslims. Those who are not in agreement with the Koran but still claim to be Muslims are, of course, heretics.

The fact that the Koran itself claims the position of “absolute truth” makes it pretty black and white, folks: “moderate” Islam is a lie. All Muslims are either true believers who actively support following Mohamed’s own practice and teachings of mass murder, rape, pillage, torture and subjugation of unbelievers or submitting in fear to Islam or soi disant “moderates” practicing so-called “holy deception” of infidels or heretics falsely claiming to still practice Islam when they would have to sanitize Mohamed past recognition and delete 70% of their so-called holy books’ “absolute truth” in order to achieve their moderation of Islam (destroying the thing to create something civilized that falsely goes by the same name).

OTOH, anyone throughout history who has suggested that Christians engage in the normative behavior of the life and teachings of Mohamed has had to do so in direct contradiction to the life and teachings of Jesus. To put it another way, anyone claiming to be a Muslim who lives a life of peace and does not seek to force others to believe as he does is a heretic, whereas anyone claiming to be a Christian who lives a life of peace and does not seek to force others to believe as he does is orthodox.

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