Celebrate Flight!

Today, June 18, is the Women’s Transatlantic Flight Anniversary. In 1928, Amelia Earhart flew from Newfoundland to Wales in 21 hours. In 1932, she became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. Now, of course, we have the TSA strip-searching lil old grandmothers. My how times have changed…

For something more on the spirit of flight,

The music is

The Mass

The Mass

Speed! ;-)

Geeky. Skip if compgeeky stuff isn’t your thing. Other stuff below.

About once or twice a week, I use several “Internet speed test” sites to check my ISP’s service. I was REALLY disappointed the other day when it was down to about a 4mb/s download speed and latency was an order of magnitude worse than my usual; yeh, even though I already knew everything was loading r e a l l y, r e a l l y s l o w l y, I was still disappointed. Still, with an average d/l speed of 8.36mb/s (and my peak, so far, of 8.92mb/s), I’m not too disappointed with my ISP. Upload speeds are under 0.5mb/s, of course, but I rarely upload multi-gigabyte files, so that’s not a huge bottleneck (I break my uploads for backups into more manageable chunks, and usually do them overnight, anyway).