Now, I Wouldn’t Go This Far, But…

I saw an anonymous comment at CPSIA – Comments & Observations and felt a twinge of agreement:

“I think we need to update the dat[a] on lethal dosages for lead and other toxins by force feeding them to congress until they all die. We will then have useful data, and end the harmful effect of congress.”

While I wouldn’t go that far, I do feel that Congress might find a collective interview with Dr. Tarr and Mr. Fether to be enlightening…

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We Don’t Need an Open Racist on the SCOTUS

I’ve heard all the bluster about the 0!’s nomination of Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. Believes judges “make policy”–the Constitution says that’s the job of the legislature–believes discrimination against whites is “justice” and etc. All that is moot in the face of her membership in the latino (no, I will NOT capitalize “latino”–not when using the word in reference to La Raza) KKK, La Raza. No one–and I do mean NO ONE–who is a member of that organization or in any way, shape, fashion or form supports it belongs in office, on the bench or in the employ of ANY government agency able to affect policy in any way.

Sotomayor: racist bigot. That’s enough to disqualify her. I’d as soon have an open member of the Nazi party or a KKK member as anyone associated with La Raza. There’s no substantive difference among the three, IMO.

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