Hawaii’s Legislators Are Idiots

So, our 50th State (not 60th or whatever as The 0! would have it) has passed a bill to set aside a day in honor of Islam, because of “the rich religious, scientific, cultural and artistic contributions” that Muslims have made to the world.

Pardon me while I throw the bullshit flag.

Muslims are credited (falsely) with so-called “Arabic” numerals invented by folks in the subcontinent of India hundreds of years before The Butcher of Medina raped his first victim. When were they put into use by the Islamic world in general, instead of being merely a toy for uncreative Muslim “scholars” and superstitious astrologers to use? Not until well after the same system had percolated into the West by other means and started being used for real life applications.

Muslims are (falsely) credited with the creation of algebra. Well, in a sense. We use the Arabic word for it, but that’s all. The mathematical principles of algebra had been known for nearly a millennium before The Butcher of Medina ordered his first mass murder. And what, pray tell, did Muslims use this valuable tool for? Scientific purposes? Nope. It was used hand-in-hand with the soi dissant “Arabic” numerals in astrology–more superstition from a people who have never seen a scientific principle they could grasp.

And so it goes. Every single meaningful, positive “contribution” the Islamic world has made has been something it stole from another culture and squirreled away somewhere doing no one any good whatsoever… until Western minds put it to use.

Now, that said, there was one genuine genius Muslim in the 12th century known for his analytical skills. He wrote extensively on Muslim law, Islamic philosophy (such as it is), art and music (if you can call Muslim noises “music” then you probably think rap is music too). But Averroès one great contribution to the world, THE one upon which his fame truly and genuinely rests, was his attempt to explain the thinking of Aristotle to the Muslim world. That’s right. His one truly great contribution was a commentary on the writings of the quintessential Western Civilization “unbeliever”. But make no mistake: his analysis and commentary on one of Western Civilization’s greatest minds is still worthwhile. Nothing really creative, though. Not a “contribution” that, given Aristotle’s surviving writings, the world could not have come to on its own, but still, a nice enough little thing for an academic to publish.

And what else has Islam “contributed” to the world? In emulation–direct discipleship–of Islam’s self-proclaimed “perfect man”, and in faithful adherence to his teachings, Islam has contributed mass murder, slavery, treachery, rape, pillage, pedophilia, and more, consistently, continually, without end from Mohammed’s first order to his followers to commit mass murder to this day.

Hawaii’s state legislators are idiots.

BTW, with a little homework of your own, you can debunk all of Islam’s “great contributions”–and if you do it yourself, you’ll OWN the knowledge that Islam’s “contributions” to the world are a sham, a big zero with the rim kicked off.

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Leaning Straight Up, Allie is Wired, The World According to Carl, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Managing Email

For some time now, I’ve been using Thunderbird Portable to manage my email accounts. For me, it has several advantages over other options:

With all my email from all my accounts gathered in one place on a flash drive (and backed up–usually daily, because the flash drive WILL fail eventually–to a hard drive by simply dragging and dropping the whole Thunderbird Portable folder), I can take it with me wherever I go and still not have to mess with the cumbersome nature of even the best webmail (a tossup between GMail and Yahoo Mail, IMO–Windows Live is for very sick, thought-to-be-extinct Dodo birds *heh*). Simple, and I can still use it whether in a Windows or Linux–or even PCBSD–session (as long as WINE’s installed in the ‘nix box). Really snazzy solution.

But. What about when an older OS or computer refuses to release a flash drive and getting it disconnected causes file corruption (even shutting the computer down may not avert that problem)? That’s a good reason to not only back the mail up every day but to configure T-Bird to leave the messages on the server, not simply delete them on download. Yeh, yeh, that could mean dropping in on some accounts and manually cleaning out clogged up mail folders every now and then, but that’s a very small price to pay.

Besides, with daily backups, it’s doubtful one would lose much mail even were T-Bird not configured to leave mail on the server. One corrupted startup and… simply reinstall over the existing installation, and if mail needed to be copied over from backup, no problem.