Another One Bites the Dust

or, Another One Under the Bus–depends on ones POV, I suppose.

Nuke has the scoop. (Go watch the video.) As The 0!* continues to flail away attempting to implement the socialist-communist policies that stem from his lifelong pursuits, he inevitably comes up against the conflict: keep his campaign promises to the millions of folks who campaigned for him, marched for him, voted for him or suck up to special interests, political power brokers and adhere to his genuine agenda of advancing statism while placing ever more strictures on citizens’ liberties and genuine hope for change (for the better).

No contest. In leftard thinking and behavior, evil wins every time.

At least it’s costing him some of his support from those who were actually stupid enough to believe what his teleprompter said but not quite stupid enough to miss it when he slapped them upside the head with a dead cod.

*Note: the “0” in “The 0!” is NOT an “O”. *heh*