Conficker Worm Info

N.B., I know I said posting would be light this week, but this is lunch time and this is light. *heh*

For Windows users: OK, so it’s even been in the Mass Media Hivemind misreporting recently. Easy thing to do:

Note the octal address in the pic below. Scan your computer using the BitDefender utility that’s there. If it finds an issue, and that issue is the conficker worm, go here, using a clean computer elsewhere and a flash drive, if necessary, and pick up the BitDefender conficker cleaner:


(Click on pic to enlarge)

After scanning and cleaning (if necessary), Visit Microsoft Updates and scan your computer for any updates, download and install. Then update your anti-virus and anti-spyware software.

You’re good to go.

Hopefully I won’t have too many folks’ computers to clean next week, but that’s their lookout. Both my readers here (*heh*) will be fine.

Continue reading “Conficker Worm Info”


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