Eliminating Life’s Lil Speed Bumps…

…one at a time. This one: download/upload speeds for my internet connection. I was pretty well pleased for several years after ditching dialup for a cable internet cnnection, because I went from a nominal 56kbs connection to a nominal 3mbs connection. Pretty good. Then my service provider began upgrading and things improved beyond that for a while, until enough users in my neighborhood began dragging the real connection speed down, clogging the pipes, as it were, in our shared node.

But recently, my cable company has undergone another round of service enhancements, and now,




…are pretty normal upload/download speeds.

Nice, since I’ve begun streaming more media and am considering a Netflix or Amazon addition to our media use (just discovered that Amazon.com both sells and rents movies–knew I could buy ’em there, but the rental part came as a surprise). I like our local rental place–good folks and all–but finding movies there can be a bit difficult (or impossible) from time to time, and sometimes we just feel like a bag of popcorn and a good flick. When–hopefully this summer–I cobble together a HTPC for the main TV, we’ll be glad of the bigger bandwidth pipe and faster flow for streaming/downloading those movies.

Added to My Wish List

Newly added to my “Redneck Geek’s I just GOTTA get me one-a these gizmos!” list:

Mosquito Raygun

A redneck geek’s dream toy…

(Hint, dudes: DDT is easier, cheaper and as safe. Yes, safe, despite Rachel Carson’s lies, as entomologist (that’s “bug scientist”) and mountaineer J. Gordon Edwards demonstrated by eating a teaspoon full–a truly massive amount for one “animal” of human size to ingest at one time–of the stuff weekly for about 30 years with no apparent ill effects. Yeh, he’s dead. Died at age 84… while mountain climbing. You should die so healthy.)

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