The Sounds of Music IV

While my personal favorite of all time among composers is Beethoven, among Romantic era composers only Brahms seems to have the height and depth and breadth of reach that such as Bach and Beethoven achieved. Here, in a selection from the last song cycle–“Four Serious Songs” (Vier Ernsten Gesänge) (Op. 121)–Brahms wrote not quite a year before his death, is Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau singing O Tod, wie bitter bist Du?:

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One of the things I like about the PC platform vs. the Mac platform is the breadth and depth of choices available. But this isn’t a post about that, really. It’s a post about choice of platforms for a simple lil web browser. Heck, my youngest nephew was delighted to discover he could use this lil browser on his Wii, and the standard downloads available for this browser include a dazzling array of platforms:


Nice, eh? Choices. *heh*