Listing Starboard: Goofs and Gaffes and Booboos, Oh My!

Just a few wee incidents in the life of the most competent, carring, transparent and ethical administration since the Founding to warm the cockles of a curmudgeon’s heart.

Toby Harnden at The Telegraph has his top ten lineup of Obama administration goofs, gaffes and booboos in text/video format. Chuckle and groan simultaneously as Obamabiden does its best to demonstrate just how stupid American voters are. One of my favs:

I checked as carefully as I could given the quality of the video, and I do not believe our beloved Blockhead-in-Chief did any damage to the helicopter. (Do note how much hay the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind did NOT make of this–or O’s “makes a better window than a door” play as opposed to all the playing up of similar incidents where Gerald Ford “got his clumsy on”.) Sadly, the incident did not appear to have knocked any sense into the Dunderhead-in-Chief…

The “most transparent” administration in the history of the world… plans to block press access to a press award ceremony. ?!? Uh-huh, that’s right.

Barack Obama was elected commander in chief promising to run the most transparent presidential administration in American history.

This achievement and the overall promise of his historic administration caused the National Newspaper Publishers Assn. to name him “Newsmaker of the Year.”

The president is to receive the award from the federation of black community newspapers in a White House ceremony this afternoon.

The Obama White House has closed the press award ceremony to the press.

Makes sense of a very Orwellian kind, doesn’t it?

The O! ought to learn to treat his teleprompter better. After all, it IS “Obama’s Brain”. Dumbass. “Great orator” MHWA…

Multiple AIG gaffes by the O! Team noted by… Maureen Dowd! Now, that’s gotta hurt, O!

Addendum: Not to be passed by, O! “sent” a video “NooRuz” greeting to Iran. Now, I could be missing something here, but isn’t iran ruled by (essentially) a dictatorship of hard line Islamic mullahs? And isn’t “NooRuz” (or however the thing is properly transliterated) a Zoroastrian new year celebration? And haven’t the Disciples of The Butcher of Medina roundly condemned Zoroastrianism for centuries? And was not the Muslim conquest of Iran marked by bloodbaths featuring Zoroastrian worshipers? And have not Muslim rulers since that time marked their rule by periodic persecution of Zoroastrianism? Has The Most Competent Ruler Since the Founding of the World struck again?

(Although, perhaps this is a note of support for some sort of Zoroastrian underground… And I do note that, yes, Nooruz is indeed celebrated widely in Iran. It’s just amusing to watch the O! mix his multi-culti crap up all over the place.*heh*)

Well, doubtless you can find more in the administration that has managed to match its spending splurge only with the number of nominees to admin posts who have refused to be part of funding the government in the past, but it’d just be piling on for me to note more here.

Is this how the American Experiment is to end, not with a bang but with a pratfall prexy?