Creeping Down Memory Web…

I was a johnnie-come-lately to the internet, back in the day. Sure, by 1993 I had an email account with MCI, online accounts with account with Delphi, Compuserve and another with AOL (where I spent most of my AOL time in the “no minutes charged” MHM forum *heh*), and I’d enjoyed participating in several BBS, notably as a lurker on the Percussion BBS maintained by the Percussive Arts Society (the ACDA didn’t have a BBS as far as I knew in those days or I’d have been “on” it quite a bit as well).

But then 1993 hit and Mosaic and Cello opened up a world beyond internet searches with ARCHIE and VERONICA searches for academic articles, etc. My addiction to the web was born.

Once I was able to ditch my various online services for one ISP, I was in hog heaven.

Fifteen years after that latecomer’s training wheels intro to more than simple article searches using the powerful but now anachronistic Archie and Veronica and the gang, the addiction’s just as powerful if not mre so.

Now, in these days of $4/gallon gasoline, what would I (want to–*heh*) do without VNC (and other solutions for less technically savvy folks) allowing me access to remote clients’ computers? Heck, more basic, what would I do w/o my VOIP phone? My monthly phone bill would climb back into the $500 range again, and I’d have to cut waaay back on beer, books and blondes. (OK, not the blondes. My Wonder Woman’s all the “blondes” I need or can cope with, for that matter. I just needed another “b” for the alliteration. :-))

The internet. God bless us every one. And protect us from politicians. Amen.

Oh. Joy. *sigh*

Another silly puzzle that’s remotely Ubuntu-related: Sound in WinXP under VMWare Server.

So, all’s mostly well in Ubuntu 8.04. Graphics stable and as I want them. Check.

Sound. Check. (some rare niggling, inconsistent midi issues but not bad)

Video/play DVDs/CDs. Check.

All USB drives, peripherals, SD cards, etc., fully accessible, no problems. Check.

Flash player in browsers. Half a check. Have sound but not video. Weird. I’ll track it down eventually, but meanwhile YouTube and other vids play fine when downloaded (using a small python script) as flv files. [Seems the fix was locating and installing the not-well-advertised (as in “not at all”) Flash 10 Beta2 for Linux. Works like a charm now.]

Apps installed and working. Semi-check. Everything’s fine except for sound in Windows XP Pro64-bit running under VMWare Server 1.06 and two niggling problems remaining with Encore 4.2.1 running in Ubuntu under WINE.

The no sound in WinXP I can live with, more or less, until I can find a fix. It’s just an annoyance. The problems in Encore may drive me to set up a Windows-only machine just for Encore use. *sigh* Midi keyboard input for score transcription is almost as bad as the bad old days with early Finale score input, you know: “Play score, wait for note to show up. Go make a pot of coffee and a coffee cake. Call up friends to come over and help drink the coffee and eat the cake. Build ark. Load animals two-by-two. Go back and wait for notes played to show on score… ”

OK, not even the early versions of Finale running on a 286 were quite that bad, but sometimes it sure seemed like it. *heh* Encore, OTOH, has always–even in its early years, seemed much more responsive and fast. I may try a midi-to-USB cable and see if that helps.

The second Encore issue is more troubling. Sometimes files do not save. At all. Sometimes Encore tells me the file didn’t save but it did. Sometimes the files thus saved work when reopened and sometimes not.

Just sometimes. Not all the time. Can’t seem to duplicate a failure at will.

Strange. Thought at first of checking file/folder permissions. Nope. No common issue there. Cogitating on this one for a while…

But WinXP Pro running on just one CPU under VMWare Server? Muuuuch more responsive than under VirtualBox or VMWare Player. Very nice, even for WinXP. Even with only 256MiB of memory allocated for its use–an ammount I’d never recommend for normal XP machines. Of course, full screen mode sucks dead bunnies through a straw. Corrupted my nVidia driver and forced a reinstall of the nVidia driver. That’ll teach me. Did. Now I run XP in a lil 800X600 box inside my normal 1024X768 resolution. Still large enough to do good work on this 19″ screen. In fact, it’s what I’m using to write this post.

Facts vs Feelings

[SEE UPDATE at foot]

I recently had a long email exchange (can’t call it a discussion: all the words that made any sense were all sent; none received. *sigh*) with someone who has sold their soul to the idea of feelings trumping facts.

And this person calls themselves a “conservative”. Seriously.

Here’s the rub:

I received–yet again!–a rehashed and reworded email calling forth the thirty-year-old, tired old hoax about “FCC Petition Number 2493” from someone all riled up about First Amendment rights in danger of being lost to this thirty-year-old hoax.

I returned an email letting them know it was a hoax and added a gratuitous, “I might be tempted to sign such a petition if it existed to keep the charlatans you fear might be taken off the air off the air”.

And there went the baby with the bath water. Now, of course, since the sender of the hoax FELT some favorite religious charlatans were threatened, not only by the evil FCC but by me of all people, I was in for a slew of spittle and froth, “signifying nothing” save the writer’s total committment to feeling over fact.

Oh, funny aside: one of the religious charlatans I mentioned himself admitted some of the charges I laid at his door on national television, but that fact made no difference, either (nor did the fact that I sent a link to an article discussing the admissions. Of course.)

More germane: multiple citations of articles clearly and concisely and definitively debunking the Petition 2493 hoax weren’t enough to make an argument to someone completely sold out to arguing according to feelings, not facts:

“I did read it and I know you said it is a HOAX, but I DO NOT BELIEVE IT IS A HOAX.”

People who argue with their eyes closed, their fingers in their ears and their mouth motoring away at “la-la-la-la-la-… ” are impervious to reason and facts.

And these people can vote.

I used to call these people reality-based fantasists and faux liberals, but now, self-styled “conservatives” are as likely to be included in this class of idiots as not.

This is what “democracy” gets us. Weep for the republic that once was.

[Addendum: Out and about this a.m., I met an old guy who runs a junk store who’s a good example of “feelings over facts”. He had on his shelf a bottle of clear amber fluid labeled “Pepper Beer–not for drinking”. Naturally that led this unmoderated tongue to comment, “What a shame. Beer is for drinking” which led to…

“Beer destroyed my family,” and a tale of growing up in a family where his father got drunk on beer and was abusive. No amount of pointing out the fact that the beer didn’t force excessive amounts of itself down his father’s throat making him into an abusive drunk was going to convince him of his father’s responsibility for his own drunkeness. No, it was the beer that did it.

*feh* Such people are idiots. Inanimate objects, chemical substances and the like do not make people harm others. People mmake themselves do harmful things, including making the CHOICE to abuse mind-altering chemical substances of all kinds.

The bushwah about people, including addicts, not being responsible for their actions is the perhaps single most harmful meme in our society today.]

UPDATE: Hilarious stupidity. The person who prompted this post has “retaliated” for my having pointed out that their spread of a hoax–especially now that they have adequate evidence that what they are spreading is a hoax–is “bearing false witness,” which is a strange thing for someone claiming to be a Christian to do, well, this same person has apparently “felt” like CLICKing on a link or attachment in an email without checking it out, and had their email addressbook harvested by some malware. (No, I do not think they are directly spamming me, although I could certainly make some trouble for them with their ISP were I to report the spam apparently coming from their address.)

Of course, I could be giving this “feeling” person more credit than they are due. Fortunately, I’d never have even noticed the spam emails except this is my day of the week to weed through my email spam queue for false positive (there were none, as usual).

Aside: I’ve almost grown to like email spam now that I filter everything through my hosting service’s spam filters. 🙂 I love for unethical people to waste their resources trying to hook me. Were it not for the fact that they are also wasting bandwidth, I’d no longer mind spammers at all.

Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Woman Honor Thyself, McCain Blogs, Right Truth, The World According to Carl, Shadowscope, Pirate’s Cove, , The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, The Amboy Times, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, CORSARI D’ITALIA, and Democrat=Socialist, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.