Creeping Down Memory Web…

I was a johnnie-come-lately to the internet, back in the day. Sure, by 1993 I had an email account with MCI, online accounts with account with Delphi, Compuserve and another with AOL (where I spent most of my AOL time in the “no minutes charged” MHM forum *heh*), and I’d enjoyed participating in several BBS, notably as a lurker on the Percussion BBS maintained by the Percussive Arts Society (the ACDA didn’t have a BBS as far as I knew in those days or I’d have been “on” it quite a bit as well).

But then 1993 hit and Mosaic and Cello opened up a world beyond internet searches with ARCHIE and VERONICA searches for academic articles, etc. My addiction to the web was born.

Once I was able to ditch my various online services for one ISP, I was in hog heaven.

Fifteen years after that latecomer’s training wheels intro to more than simple article searches using the powerful but now anachronistic Archie and Veronica and the gang, the addiction’s just as powerful if not mre so.

Now, in these days of $4/gallon gasoline, what would I (want to–*heh*) do without VNC (and other solutions for less technically savvy folks) allowing me access to remote clients’ computers? Heck, more basic, what would I do w/o my VOIP phone? My monthly phone bill would climb back into the $500 range again, and I’d have to cut waaay back on beer, books and blondes. (OK, not the blondes. My Wonder Woman’s all the “blondes” I need or can cope with, for that matter. I just needed another “b” for the alliteration. :-))

The internet. God bless us every one. And protect us from politicians. Amen.

4 Replies to “Creeping Down Memory Web…”

  1. Davido,

    Been there: done that. What do “mammary lane” really mean?

    Personally, I had a very nostalgia Saturday!

    Only reason I didn’t call you — didn’t have your number stored in my memory bank (read that as cell phone memory).

    hth ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. David,

    If you will, send me a valid e-mail addy. You know mine.


    Sent something to you earlier, IN receipt, I got a “daemon” kick-back telling me that you no longer exist!

    Hugh (

  3. Had a real Nostrillia Saturday, eh? (Gratuitous Cordwainer Smith ref :-)) Don’t let the Underpeople getcha down! Up the revolution! ๐Ÿ™‚

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