Warning! Offensive photo! May be NSFW…

…if your boss is a Mohammedan.

The “offensive photo” is below the fold, so as not to embarrass jackass Mohammedans too much…

Britain: Passport photograph of girl’s bare shoulders rejected ‘as it may offend’

The photo?


a.) Anyone offended by that photo needs their head removed for recalibration.
b.) Any religion that would “legitimately” (following its clear teachings) lead someone to be offended by that photo needs to have an encounter with a BIG ‘splainsit stick upside its collective head.
c.) Any government official ANYWHERE in the West who pays one single solitary iota of attention to the sensibilities of such people or such a religion needs to have HIS head removed for recalibration.

5 Replies to “Warning! Offensive photo! May be NSFW…”

  1. Glad you covered this one. I’d been too busy trying to duct tape my head so it didn’t explode from the lunacy. Every time I try to formulate some kind of clever response I find myself sitting with my mouth hanging open, parctically drooling from incapacity to process the fact that anyone, anywhere could actually censor this photo in an official context – for any reason, much less because someone, somewhere might be offended. Does this mean adult women now need to wear head scarves in passport photos in order not to offend Muslim sensibilities as well? This isn’t just a slippery slope – it’s a powder keg with an incredibly short fuse. I just hope this child’s parents care enough to hire the very best (lawyers, that is…to sue the state and get this ruling overturned).

  2. Undangbelievable, David. Sue away, Yak. Crazy. Oh, and I clicked through your Opera button to download the new browser on my new screaming machine at the office. Wow, I like it! 🙂

  3. Somehow that reminds me of the woman in Florida that sued to be allowed to have her veil on for her drivers license photo.

    Fortuately, she lost. But the fact that it even had to be discussed and debated was beyond belief.

    There’s some crazy goings on around these days!

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