Saving Baby

Ya know those “life skills” classes our pubschools waste time on that feature a five-/ten-pound bag of flour (or some such–a dozen eggs, whatnot) as something for kids to haul around, be responsible for care, etc. for a week, supposedly in place of a baby?

Yeh, that.

Well, confession time segue-ing into “saving baby”.

I sometimes talk about folks being “dumb as a bag of hammers”. Well, I have a bag of hammers, almost. One I’ve bought, others from the toolboxes of various relatives who’ve gone on to their reward. It’s good I have a large collection of hammers—including five ordinary claw hammers of various vintages–cos I tend to just set ’em down where I am using them and when I go back to look for ’em to put ’em away, they’re… gone. Walked off. Decided to play hide n seek with me. Whatever.

Oh, they always turn up. Eventually. And get put “where they belong”… until the next time.

Same thing with tape measures and a few other tools.

So, I got a new (cheapo, but nice) tape measure yesterday and have been trying to play “saving baby” with it. When I set it down and walk off from it, I immediately go back and pick it up and cuddle and rock it while commenting something like, “Oh, Baby! You could have rolled right offa that counter and hurt yourself on the floor! I must take better care of you!”

Maybe it’ll get tired of being babied and run off to find my other tape measures.

Sure it’s weird, but you expected something else from America’s Third World Countyâ„¢?


3 Replies to “Saving Baby”

  1. RYak, if you’re anything like me, yiou put it in a Very Safe Place thinking, “That’s a Very Safe Place; I’ll not lose it if I put it there.”

    (Not find it, either, but that’s another story.)

  2. ROTFL!! I find that my little one actually makes that situation worse, as in hiding more things that I can never find….. otherwise I’d offer his services, hee hee hee.

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