Noël… and “there and back again”

Noël: Middle English noel, from Old French, variant of nael, from Latin n?t?lis (di?s), (day) of birth, from n?tus, past participle of n?sc?, to be born.

Romeocat talks about births of more than one kind in today’s Advent Meditation. I have some thoughts forming in response. What are yours? (Ahhh… share ’em over there.)

And in “Rest easy, sleep well” she points to a post at Freedom Folks that, well, if it doesn’t move you then you have a heart of stone, and I don’t want to know you. After your visit there, just click here, please. And as long as you’re still in the mood, click here, too. Moving tributes to our service men and women. Then go and send an email to a soldier serving overseas. If you don’t have one in your email addressbook, go here and have one delivered for Christmas.

(Note: broadband issues today, so intermittant connectiviry; Santa’s gonna put some coal in an ISP’s stocking if they don’t watch out… I’ll try to update whenever 1.) I have the time and 2.) that coincides with DNS servers being “up” *sigh* IOW: short shrift day, folks.)

There’s lots more around and about…

Rich’s Surprise Chocolate Fudge is something I need to try this weekend, as are Christines Jingle Balls. heh.

This in email from my old (yes, OLD: we’re both geezers) college roomie:


Yeh. Merry Christmas to you too, Dave (yes, another David. Long story.)

Usually I’m very glad I’m out of the “put the children on display as if they were singing dogs” Christmas program thing_*_, and then something like this comes along (from a librarians’ email list)…

“One of my first graders was working on memorizing some scriptures for his Wed. night children’s program. He stated the scripture and then asked if it was in the New or the Old Testicle”

The old one, definitely the old one, child…

Not satisfied with Three Stooges, The Florida Masochist digs up four:

The Knucklehead of the Day award

The Co-Knucklehead of the Day award Part One

The Co-Knucklehead of the Day award Part Two

The Knucklehead of the Year awards- Judiciary

[I’m confused, FM. Is that KotD part none, part 1 and part deux? 😉 ]

freedom folks: Christianity & Democracy and Smearing the Chicago Minuteman Project

Do NOT miss this one from Woody’s News & Views: 9 Out Of 10 Terrorists Prefer The NY Times

Conservative Cat: Happy Holidays to All.

[Well, as I said in comments, it offended me that he didn’t offend me with his post. 🙂 Some people! heh] has juuuust the right lyrics for The Twelve Days Of Critmus. Oh. My. 🙂 Wanna sing along? Here:

(best with Roland patches. Just sayin’)

The Real Ugly American: The Left is loosing it again with the NSA story. [sic 😉 ]

Liberal Common Sense: Speicher and Maupin Families Deserve Answers…


TMH’s Bacon Bits with a fitting tribute to a great woman: Maggie: A Lady of Dignity. [God bless Maggie.]

Diane, you don’t wanna know the image this evoked… Barefoot n’ Packing


And just to follow up on yesterday’s “Comfort ye” here’s “Ev’ry Valley”:

Powered by Castpost

Also sung out at TMH’s Bacon Bits

Noël… and “there and back again”

Noël: Middle English noel, from Old French, variant of nael, from Latin n?t?lis (di?s), (day) of birth, from n?tus, past participle of n?sc?, to be born.

Romeocat talks about births of more than one kind in today’s Advent Meditation. I have some thoughts forming in response. What are yours? (Ahhh… share ’em over there.)

And in “Rest easy, sleep well” she points to a post at Freedom Folks that, well, if it doesn’t move you then you have a heart of stone, and I don’t want to know you. After your visit there, just click here, please. And as long as you’re still in the mood, click here, too. Moving tributes to our service men and women. Then go and send an email to a soldier serving overseas. If you don’t have one in your email addressbook, go here and have one delivered for Christmas.

(Note: broadband issues today, so intermittant connectiviry; Santa’s gonna put some coal in an ISP’s stocking if they don’t watch out… I’ll try to update whenever 1.) I have the time and 2.) that coincides with DNS servers being “up” *sigh* IOW: short shrift day, folks.)

There’s lots more around and about…

Rich’s Surprise Chocolate Fudge is something I need to try this weekend, as are Christines Jingle Balls. heh.

This in email from my old (yes, OLD: we’re both geezers) college roomie:


Yeh. Merry Christmas to you too, Dave (yes, another David. Long story.)

Usually I’m very glad I’m out of the “put the children on display as if they were singing dogs” Christmas program thing_*_, and then something like this comes along (from a librarians’ email list)…

“One of my first graders was working on memorizing some scriptures for his Wed. night children’s program. He stated the scripture and then asked if it was in the New or the Old Testicle”

The old one, definitely the old one, child…

Not satisfied with Three Stooges, The Florida Masochist digs up four:

The Knucklehead of the Day award

The Co-Knucklehead of the Day award Part One

The Co-Knucklehead of the Day award Part Two

The Knucklehead of the Year awards- Judiciary

[I’m confused, FM. Is that KotD part none, part 1 and part deux? 😉 ]

freedom folks: Christianity & Democracy and Smearing the Chicago Minuteman Project

Do NOT miss this one from Woody’s News & Views: 9 Out Of 10 Terrorists Prefer The NY Times

Conservative Cat: Happy Holidays to All.

[Well, as I said in comments, it offended me that he didn’t offend me with his post. 🙂 Some people! heh] has juuuust the right lyrics for The Twelve Days Of Critmus. Oh. My. 🙂 Wanna sing along? Here:

(best with Roland patches. Just sayin’)

The Real Ugly American: The Left is loosing it again with the NSA story. [sic 😉 ]

Liberal Common Sense: Speicher and Maupin Families Deserve Answers…


TMH’s Bacon Bits with a fitting tribute to a great woman: Maggie: A Lady of Dignity. [God bless Maggie.]

Diane, you don’t wanna know the image this evoked… Barefoot n’ Packing


And just to follow up on yesterday’s “Comfort ye” here’s “Ev’ry Valley”:

Powered by Castpost

Also sung out at TMH’s Bacon Bits

Noël… and “there and back again”

Noël: Middle English noel, from Old French, variant of nael, from Latin n?t?lis (di?s), (day) of birth, from n?tus, past participle of n?sc?, to be born.

Romeocat talks about births of more than one kind in today’s Advent Meditation. I have some thoughts forming in response. What are yours? (Ahhh… share ’em over there.)

And in “Rest easy, sleep well” she points to a post at Freedom Folks that, well, if it doesn’t move you then you have a heart of stone, and I don’t want to know you. After your visit there, just click here, please. And as long as you’re still in the mood, click here, too. Moving tributes to our service men and women. Then go and send an email to a soldier serving overseas. If you don’t have one in your email addressbook, go here and have one delivered for Christmas.

(Note: broadband issues today, so intermittant connectiviry; Santa’s gonna put some coal in an ISP’s stocking if they don’t watch out… I’ll try to update whenever 1.) I have the time and 2.) that coincides with DNS servers being “up” *sigh* IOW: short shrift day, folks.)

There’s lots more around and about…

Rich’s Surprise Chocolate Fudge is something I need to try this weekend, as are Christines Jingle Balls. heh.

This in email from my old (yes, OLD: we’re both geezers) college roomie:


Yeh. Merry Christmas to you too, Dave (yes, another David. Long story.)

Usually I’m very glad I’m out of the “put the children on display as if they were singing dogs” Christmas program thing_*_, and then something like this comes along (from a librarians’ email list)…

“One of my first graders was working on memorizing some scriptures for his Wed. night children’s program. He stated the scripture and then asked if it was in the New or the Old Testicle”

The old one, definitely the old one, child…

Not satisfied with Three Stooges, The Florida Masochist digs up four:

The Knucklehead of the Day award

The Co-Knucklehead of the Day award Part One

The Co-Knucklehead of the Day award Part Two

The Knucklehead of the Year awards- Judiciary

[I’m confused, FM. Is that KotD part none, part 1 and part deux? 😉 ]

freedom folks: Christianity & Democracy and Smearing the Chicago Minuteman Project

Do NOT miss this one from Woody’s News & Views: 9 Out Of 10 Terrorists Prefer The NY Times

Conservative Cat: Happy Holidays to All.

[Well, as I said in comments, it offended me that he didn’t offend me with his post. 🙂 Some people! heh] has juuuust the right lyrics for The Twelve Days Of Critmus. Oh. My. 🙂 Wanna sing along? Here:

(best with Roland patches. Just sayin’)

The Real Ugly American: The Left is loosing it again with the NSA story. [sic 😉 ]

Liberal Common Sense: Speicher and Maupin Families Deserve Answers…


TMH’s Bacon Bits with a fitting tribute to a great woman: Maggie: A Lady of Dignity. [God bless Maggie.]

Diane, you don’t wanna know the image this evoked… Barefoot n’ Packing


And just to follow up on yesterday’s “Comfort ye” here’s “Ev’ry Valley”:

Powered by Castpost

Also sung out at TMH’s Bacon Bits

Slap the ACLU *heh*

And I’m feeling… ambivalence.

Commandments display is upheld
No religious intent in Mercer, court says”

Thumbs up on the first part. Thumbs down on the dumb part. (I’ll explain in a bit.)

A federal appeals court has ruled that the display of the Ten Commandments in the Mercer County, Kentucky courthouse is hunky dory… for the wrong reasons. Folks: the Ten Commandments are central to two religions. They are a religious “document” BUT displaying them in or on a public building does not comprise “establishment of religion” by any portion of civil government. THAT’S what the court would have ruled if it hadn’t had half its head stuck where the sun don’t shine.


Judge Richard Suhrheinrich’s ruling said the ACLU brought “tiresome” arguments about the “wall of separation” between church and state, and it said the organization does not represent a “reasonable person.”

Well, duh. At least the judge had that much sense. Not to belabor the obvious, but anyone with two active brain cells could have discerned that lil factoid.


The decision was issued by a three-judge panel of the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, based in Cincinnati. It upheld a lower-court decision that allowed Mercer County to continue displaying the Ten Commandments along with the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, the words to “The Star-Spangled Banner” and other documents.

Of course, earlier in the year, similar displays in another Kentucky county were ruled unconstitutional by a non compos mentis Supreme Communistas of the United States, because those who posted them stated their religious views.

Jackasses (OK, and a coupla hinny asses).

At least in Mercer, the document is left displayed.

But at what cost? Once again, the ACLU-even in “losing”-reinforces the idea that religious statements or displays in public fora are “unconstitutional” unless they are rendered non-religious, secular symbols with no religious intent.

Once again, let me refer you to Tuesday’s “somewhat rambling essay” by Jerry Pournelle.

Note that Congress has incorporated the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederacy (*sigh* wouldn’t that have been nice?) Confederation that preceded the Constitution as foundational documents of our nation. They are an integral part of Constitutional law. Note also,

The United States in its founding document proclaims that it is self evident that all men are created equal, they are endowed by a Creator with certain inalienable rights, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. It is clear that the document does not recognize “unjust” powers, and it proceeds to enumerate a number of powers it considers unjust. _*_


…one of the major issues in this nation [slavery-ed.] was decided because religious principles prevailed over Rule of Law, either Strict or Liberal interpretation of the Constitution, and over the will of the legislatures both national and State which sought compromises to avoid war. To say that religion ought to play no part in national policies in the face of that one great truth appears to be absurd._*_

The modern effort by the ACLU and others to extirpate all religious practice and expression from the public arena, or at the very least to marginalize it by embedding the meme that it is merely an unecessary historical appendix, is in some ways more dangerous than the physical threat of another Islamic terrorist attack. Beacuse the terrorist attack can only kill a few of us compared to the ACLU and their ilk killing our whiole society as they become bolder in emulation of the Taliban…

Catch the picture: the ACLU as a disingenuous communist “Taliban”. Probably the best characterization of the organization I know.

But at least this time a judge did say the ACLU’s arguments were tiresome and that it did not represent a “reasonable person”. Nice slap. Next time with a clubat?

See Stop the ACLU for John’s take. And do check the other blogs in the Stop the ACLU blogroll to your right.

Merry Christmas, ACLU!

Wrapped and placed under the tree with a BIG RED BOW at TMH’s Bacon Bits.

This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please email Jay at or Gribbit at You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 115 blogs already onboard.

Slap the ACLU *heh*

And I’m feeling… ambivalence.

Commandments display is upheld
No religious intent in Mercer, court says”

Thumbs up on the first part. Thumbs down on the dumb part. (I’ll explain in a bit.)

A federal appeals court has ruled that the display of the Ten Commandments in the Mercer County, Kentucky courthouse is hunky dory… for the wrong reasons. Folks: the Ten Commandments are central to two religions. They are a religious “document” BUT displaying them in or on a public building does not comprise “establishment of religion” by any portion of civil government. THAT’S what the court would have ruled if it hadn’t had half its head stuck where the sun don’t shine.


Judge Richard Suhrheinrich’s ruling said the ACLU brought “tiresome” arguments about the “wall of separation” between church and state, and it said the organization does not represent a “reasonable person.”

Well, duh. At least the judge had that much sense. Not to belabor the obvious, but anyone with two active brain cells could have discerned that lil factoid.


The decision was issued by a three-judge panel of the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, based in Cincinnati. It upheld a lower-court decision that allowed Mercer County to continue displaying the Ten Commandments along with the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, the words to “The Star-Spangled Banner” and other documents.

Of course, earlier in the year, similar displays in another Kentucky county were ruled unconstitutional by a non compos mentis Supreme Communistas of the United States, because those who posted them stated their religious views.

Jackasses (OK, and a coupla hinny asses).

At least in Mercer, the document is left displayed.

But at what cost? Once again, the ACLU-even in “losing”-reinforces the idea that religious statements or displays in public fora are “unconstitutional” unless they are rendered non-religious, secular symbols with no religious intent.

Once again, let me refer you to Tuesday’s “somewhat rambling essay” by Jerry Pournelle.

Note that Congress has incorporated the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederacy (*sigh* wouldn’t that have been nice?) Confederation that preceded the Constitution as foundational documents of our nation. They are an integral part of Constitutional law. Note also,

The United States in its founding document proclaims that it is self evident that all men are created equal, they are endowed by a Creator with certain inalienable rights, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. It is clear that the document does not recognize “unjust” powers, and it proceeds to enumerate a number of powers it considers unjust. _*_


…one of the major issues in this nation [slavery-ed.] was decided because religious principles prevailed over Rule of Law, either Strict or Liberal interpretation of the Constitution, and over the will of the legislatures both national and State which sought compromises to avoid war. To say that religion ought to play no part in national policies in the face of that one great truth appears to be absurd._*_

The modern effort by the ACLU and others to extirpate all religious practice and expression from the public arena, or at the very least to marginalize it by embedding the meme that it is merely an unecessary historical appendix, is in some ways more dangerous than the physical threat of another Islamic terrorist attack. Beacuse the terrorist attack can only kill a few of us compared to the ACLU and their ilk killing our whiole society as they become bolder in emulation of the Taliban…

Catch the picture: the ACLU as a disingenuous communist “Taliban”. Probably the best characterization of the organization I know.

But at least this time a judge did say the ACLU’s arguments were tiresome and that it did not represent a “reasonable person”. Nice slap. Next time with a clubat?

See Stop the ACLU for John’s take. And do check the other blogs in the Stop the ACLU blogroll to your right.

Merry Christmas, ACLU!

Wrapped and placed under the tree with a BIG RED BOW at TMH’s Bacon Bits.

This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please email Jay at or Gribbit at You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 115 blogs already onboard.

Slap the ACLU *heh*

And I’m feeling… ambivalence.

Commandments display is upheld
No religious intent in Mercer, court says”

Thumbs up on the first part. Thumbs down on the dumb part. (I’ll explain in a bit.)

A federal appeals court has ruled that the display of the Ten Commandments in the Mercer County, Kentucky courthouse is hunky dory… for the wrong reasons. Folks: the Ten Commandments are central to two religions. They are a religious “document” BUT displaying them in or on a public building does not comprise “establishment of religion” by any portion of civil government. THAT’S what the court would have ruled if it hadn’t had half its head stuck where the sun don’t shine.


Judge Richard Suhrheinrich’s ruling said the ACLU brought “tiresome” arguments about the “wall of separation” between church and state, and it said the organization does not represent a “reasonable person.”

Well, duh. At least the judge had that much sense. Not to belabor the obvious, but anyone with two active brain cells could have discerned that lil factoid.


The decision was issued by a three-judge panel of the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, based in Cincinnati. It upheld a lower-court decision that allowed Mercer County to continue displaying the Ten Commandments along with the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, the words to “The Star-Spangled Banner” and other documents.

Of course, earlier in the year, similar displays in another Kentucky county were ruled unconstitutional by a non compos mentis Supreme Communistas of the United States, because those who posted them stated their religious views.

Jackasses (OK, and a coupla hinny asses).

At least in Mercer, the document is left displayed.

But at what cost? Once again, the ACLU-even in “losing”-reinforces the idea that religious statements or displays in public fora are “unconstitutional” unless they are rendered non-religious, secular symbols with no religious intent.

Once again, let me refer you to Tuesday’s “somewhat rambling essay” by Jerry Pournelle.

Note that Congress has incorporated the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederacy (*sigh* wouldn’t that have been nice?) Confederation that preceded the Constitution as foundational documents of our nation. They are an integral part of Constitutional law. Note also,

The United States in its founding document proclaims that it is self evident that all men are created equal, they are endowed by a Creator with certain inalienable rights, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. It is clear that the document does not recognize “unjust” powers, and it proceeds to enumerate a number of powers it considers unjust. _*_


…one of the major issues in this nation [slavery-ed.] was decided because religious principles prevailed over Rule of Law, either Strict or Liberal interpretation of the Constitution, and over the will of the legislatures both national and State which sought compromises to avoid war. To say that religion ought to play no part in national policies in the face of that one great truth appears to be absurd._*_

The modern effort by the ACLU and others to extirpate all religious practice and expression from the public arena, or at the very least to marginalize it by embedding the meme that it is merely an unecessary historical appendix, is in some ways more dangerous than the physical threat of another Islamic terrorist attack. Beacuse the terrorist attack can only kill a few of us compared to the ACLU and their ilk killing our whiole society as they become bolder in emulation of the Taliban…

Catch the picture: the ACLU as a disingenuous communist “Taliban”. Probably the best characterization of the organization I know.

But at least this time a judge did say the ACLU’s arguments were tiresome and that it did not represent a “reasonable person”. Nice slap. Next time with a clubat?

See Stop the ACLU for John’s take. And do check the other blogs in the Stop the ACLU blogroll to your right.

Merry Christmas, ACLU!

Wrapped and placed under the tree with a BIG RED BOW at TMH’s Bacon Bits.

This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please email Jay at or Gribbit at You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 115 blogs already onboard.

ME Quiz

Nah, not “Middle English” (although I did have a bonus M.E. quiz for some 9th-graders once… heh), and not “me”. Middle Earth. BTW, this day was eaten by orcs, so I have NO idea where I saw this. If it was on your blog, please lemme know and I’ll link the post, ‘K.


Here goes. Answering the burning question you all have been wanting the answer to, “To which Middle Earth race does the proprietor of TWCâ„¢ belong?”


To which race of Middle Earth do you belong?
brought to you by Quizilla

ME Quiz

Nah, not “Middle English” (although I did have a bonus M.E. quiz for some 9th-graders once… heh), and not “me”. Middle Earth. BTW, this day was eaten by orcs, so I have NO idea where I saw this. If it was on your blog, please lemme know and I’ll link the post, ‘K.


Here goes. Answering the burning question you all have been wanting the answer to, “To which Middle Earth race does the proprietor of TWCâ„¢ belong?”


To which race of Middle Earth do you belong?
brought to you by Quizilla

ME Quiz

Nah, not “Middle English” (although I did have a bonus M.E. quiz for some 9th-graders once… heh), and not “me”. Middle Earth. BTW, this day was eaten by orcs, so I have NO idea where I saw this. If it was on your blog, please lemme know and I’ll link the post, ‘K.


Here goes. Answering the burning question you all have been wanting the answer to, “To which Middle Earth race does the proprietor of TWCâ„¢ belong?”


To which race of Middle Earth do you belong?
brought to you by Quizilla

PSA—WARNING! Danger Will Robinson!

In case you have not already recieved this warning:

“News: Santa IM Worm Installs Rootkit Payload

A Christmas-themed worm attack is on the loose, affecting
instant messaging networks from AOL, MSN, Windows Messenger,
ICQ and Yahoo.”

See the eWeek article here.

You have been warned. Don’t come crying to me if you get “hit” (unless you wanna pay me for the fix. heh :-).

I’ll tell the world at Basil’s Blog and Diane’s Stuff’s Wednesday Weekly Open Trackback Alliance Fest.