Finally blogging Saturday: playing catchup

Well, I didn’t advertise it as a “free linkpost” as I did with the “real” Open Post on Friday, but there were some interesting links pinged in anyway, so I’ll cut some slack for folks who have trouble with directions. Lord knows, I have enough trouble following directions myself sometimes…

This came in while I was piecing this together (in raw html, since WYSIWYG editors seem to all be playing “gotcha” today): All Things Beautiful has a powerful, powerful piece up in “Jihad Apocalypse: I asked the Professor for views on the pressing subject of Jihadists, and how we as Christians can hope to feel safe in the ever growing aggressive Jihad environment which seems to be viewed by some on the left side of the political spectrum as unsubstantiated conservative hype, verging on warmongering hysteria… The short answer is that we can’t, and here is why.”

[Just go read it. Read it all.]

*sigh* Tel-Chai Nation reports: “More terrorist attacks took place this week. As Ariel Sharon puts together his new party called Kadima, he simultaneously neglects security requirements.”

[Sharon just ain’t sharin’ all the best, is he?]

Peakah’s Provocations wants everyone to party on, dudes (and dudettes) Open Bar All Weekend! I usually do an Open Post on Sunday but this weekend is full of fun and activities.”

[Have a most excellent adventure, folks!]

A rhetorical question from freedom folks in:Mehlman Blasts When did being an idiot with a reality disconnect become a prized quality in party leadership? Never mind. Don’t answer that.”

[Darn it. And I had my hand in the air already… ]


Finding blogbuddies, freedom folks: “Shut Up & Sing We made a new friend in the blogosphere!”

[Now that really is special!]

Don Surber waxes polysci-philosoph-solon all over: “Prosecuting the Culture of Corruption President Bush’s legacy will be forged in the sandbox of Iraq. His vision of a democratic oasis in the cradle of civilization overshadows the other accomplishments of his administration.

[But let’s not forget that his legacy here at home may have an even farther reach.]

Tidings of comfort and joy from Adam’s Blog *sigh* “ACLU Names New Chairman Washington-The ACLU named a new chairman today as it enter into its annual “war on small towns with limited budgets” season… The new chairman, former Congressman “The Grinch” (D-Mount Crumpit) pledged to continue the ACLU’s attack on Christmas with renewed vigor…”

[Two words: coal, stocking.]

More doom and gloom from Don Surber: Global Earthquaking “Yesterday, the Guardian of London told us Global warming is causing an Ice Age! IF the Gulf Stream became a Gulf Trickle, in 20 years, Europe would be 4C or 6C colder, which translates into normal temperatures as 10 degrees or so.”

[Not quite so bad as the LIA/Maunder Minimum temps. What’s to worry about? Earthquakes? That’s what feet are for: move to places they’re not as likely. Gee. Of course, coulda told the doofs caught in N’Awlins the same thing about hurricanes, but do people think about these things? Nah. The gummint (somewhere) will handle it, handle it… ]

The Right Nation has another place to advertise your blog AND some other good news: (Open Trackback) Weekend Round-Up Good news from Pakistan: the No. 3 official of al-Qaida, Hamza Rabia, was killed early Thursday morning by a CIA missile attack on a safehouse.”

[For these and many other blessings, Lord, we give You thanks…]

Let’s all go to the party! Stop The ACLU Weekend Party for the Politically Incorrect Political correctness is one of America’s worst enemies. It is opposite of freedom… What Is Political Correctness? Political Correctness (PC) is the communal tyranny that erupted in the 1980s.”

[Party! Party!]

Belaboring the obvious, Clark Mountain Musings: “Wanted terrorists returning to Gaza through Rafah……..DUH!

[Be nice if this were a ploy to sucker them into position for the kill… ]

Committees of Correspondencehands out a grammar lesson… and more: “I Took, You Took, He Tookie Which Is Out of Place? If you choose Tookie as the word out of place, you would be correct as far as the grammatical rules of English Verb Conjugation are concerned. As to the individual (I don’t call rabid dogs that brutally murder innocent people a…

[I’m making hopeful bookie that Tookie shuffles his cookie off this mortal coil soon. Hopeful.]

S’all for now. Freely advertised at Oblogatory Anecdotes, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Point Five, NIF, Macstansbury.

Around and About on Friday

A few posts that’ve caught my eye around and about:

Put down the coffee/hot cocoa. Woody’s News and Views brings us You Might Be A Liberal If…


Praise be! Bloggin’ Outloud reveals “How to Shave the Yetis
Shave the Yeti Open Post & Link Party on one condition: If you leave a trackback, you have to use the clippers!

[Lyn asks, “Once shaved always shaved?” I suppose he’s going all Jn 10:19-30 and all that, NTV (New Truckers’ Version) ]

The Florida Masochist tries to stay up with the workload:The Knucklehead of the Day award Today’s winner is Democratic Senator Byron Dorgan from North Dakota.

[Need a Knucklehead of the Hour Award. Anybody wanna help TFM out with that one? It’d keep you in blogposts from now through 2010 just working through the Loony Left Moonbats and Mass Media Pospeople… One an hour for the next four+ years, 24/7/365… Then, for a change of pace, Republican’t politicians…]

Here TFM notes what happens when Academia Nuts are allowed to stay in the shell too long: Academia gone overboard….again All three students in this affair are wrong. The Univ. of PA though has a warped Politically correct view of the world. Or do warped and PC go together? As my wife often says- The World has gone insane.

[Nah. They’re not crazy. Nah. Not much.]

Hey, Dude! Leave some for the fish! TFM: I scooped the MSM! The Florida Masochist did just that. It wasn’t till yesterday that any of the local media outlets finally acknowledged the massive screwup concerning hurricane foodstamps here in South Florida.

[It’s a “beat” man. 🙂 ]

Freedom Folks wants to get something off the ground-without a “W” or whatnot: Conservative Songmeisters Unite! The Right Brothers are trying to get thier video on MTV.

[Yeh, well I type that way alla time.]

Freedom Folks being oh, so gently snarky: Arabs: We (heart) France
Oh no, they don’t like us. I’m crushed, really

[Hmmm… Ayrabs and Frogs. Who’da thunk it?]

More from Freedom Folks: Hawaii Crosses Dangerous Line The Hawaii Supreme Court has overturned the conviction of a woman whose drug abuse led to the death of her 2-day-old son.

[Yeh, overturned on the grounds that the baby wasn’t human until it was born. Demonstrating that the members of the Hawaii Supreme Court still need pre-natal care… upside the head.]

Showing quite a bit of her cognomen’s sense, Liberal Common Sense: Scissor and Screwdriver Carriers Rejoice! No more having to leave that favorite pair of cuticle scissors or that handy dandy screwdriver out of your carry on bag. Alas those of you who have Swiss Army type knives will still be forced to either check your bag or leave your implement of choice…

[Never last. This is a Thousands Standing Around operation, after all. Remember, they need no excuse for stupidity. “When a stupid man does something he knows is wrong, he always claims it is his duty.”]

IRIS Blog: Hard-hitting-Prediction Confirmed: Israel Admits Rafah Security Deal was “Worthless” I have been detailing how the vaunted deal to protect Israel’s security regarding the Rafah crossing between Egypt and Gaza was a “charade” rushed into because of pressure from Condaleeza Rice:The Rafah deal was a complete capitulation by Israel.

[Again, well, duh. ONLY Israel is held to account for its side of any “deal”-never the Palestinian thugs. This is news? *sigh*]

I followed every link in this story, and… I’m gonna do more horse tradin’! Stuck On Stupid From A Paperclip And Beyond Open Link Fest Kyle started with a paperclip and is trading up to his dream of acquiring a home. So far he is up to a snowmobile. Not a bad return since July. Getting a job might help him to reach his goal. But maybe that is asking too much……One Red Paper Clip is…

Sidebar: Whadda you think of this?

And last but FAR from least, Romeocat lends Cathouse Chat to Advent with The Promise For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Christmas Togs

Starting a slow process of changing TWC into its “Christmas Dressings” 🙂

The graphic background for posts is from a drawing, The Virgin and Child ca. 1510~1512 anno dommini, by Raphael.

What Christmas Song Are You?

Be warned, the Blogthing below says it determines what Christmas carol you “are” but includes songs that are NOT carols. (Just a mini-diatribe against the pejoration of “Christmas carol”.)

Found at Below the Beltway.

Powered by Castpost

You Are “Silent Night”

Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon Virgin, Mother and Child
Holy infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace

You never forget that Christmas is about the birth of Christ.
Santa and eggnog are just gravy

“Now, this is gonna hurt me more than it does you…”

Last year, I finally-I think-solved the “Cats dragged the Christmas tree down on themselves again” problem. (Oh, come on. Don’t pretend it hasn’t happened to you.)

It’s simple. I hang the cat’s “ornaments” first.

See, I took some mouse traps-cheap lil four for a buck spring loaded jobs-and disabled half the spring (so a snap on my finger stung a lil but left no bruise), set ’em then hung ’em from the lower branches and set them out under the tree, changing their positions every now and then, re-setting the ones the cats had *snapped* as they started to climb. The sound alone was enough to discourage the climbing.

In short order, the cats were avoiding the area around the tree. And actually, quite contra to the subject line, no one was hurt, nothing damaged. And the cats were actually safer than in their “Lets drag the tree down on ourselves!” times.

Gonna hang some “cats’ ornaments” this weekend. Feel free to play along.

Friday Featured Blogger/Open Post

[For this Open Post, link here and t-r-a-c-k-b-a-c-k to this link. *heh*]

Somehow, Mediacrity‘s “notice” (that funny “tee-bee” word, ya know 🙂 of yet another insightful post about media hypocrisy went awry the other day and-poof!-did not appear anywhere I could see it. Fortunately, I stopped by Mediacrity‘s place and saw that I’d been linked with “More Double Standard on Fake Journalism“. A sample,

For example, CNBC runs a fake-news talk show called UN World Chronicle, without prominently describing it as produced by the UN propaganda ministry -- as journalistic standards demand.

Want some snark? Mediacrity’s got snark. Try, “Uncork the Champagne! It’s Palestine Day at the UN!

Hurrah! Hurrah! Let the festivities begin! Yes, folks, today is Palestine Day, as officially proclaimed by the East River Debating and Terrorist Cheerleading Society.


Want more? Silly. Follow one of the links, of course!

If you’re wondering how to participate in what Is It Just Me aracnely describes as… oh, well, I’ll just lay the quote down again:

"Although there is no monetary outlay involved to participate, a donation through reciprocal recognition of this site on your site is greatly appreciated. To reciprocate - please do not use the "o" word in conjuction with the "tb" word, or the "tb" word by itself, or even the "l""l" words to give acknowledgement. If you feel really compelled to use these words any site recognition to those sites you are advertising at will probably not occur. Please practice these rules of self-censorship for continued success in traffic exchange.

What? You say that all this is clear as mud? Good. It was intended that way.”

Just check here for details and put a link to this post in one of yours before you t-r-a-c-k-b-a-c-k (*heh*) to this one. I’ll round up interesting posts later on in one of my Around and About posts.

Have fun!

Boldly Advertizing where everyone else has gone before at Don Surber After Hours (where ya have to link in BEFORE hours *heh*) Note: Don rags on Santa today. Go, Don! Also blatantly plugged at MacStansbury‘s (“The Absolutely Earliest In The Morningest…”), Bloggin’ Outloud (NOT “Blogging Outloud 🙂 as soon as I can, NIF (Bubba’s sick… send your flowery prose NIF’s way), Right Wing Nation, and whoever else strikes my fancy (lightly, boys!) as the day progresses.

Pleased-as-punch member of the Open Trackback Alliance.


If it walks like a duck…

For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil…” Luke 6: 44-45

The American Communist Lawyers Union at least has a shred of integrity. It has stayed true to its communist birth* (though it llacks the degree of integrity that would compel it to admit such).

I am for socialism, disarmament, and ultimately for abolishing the State itself as an instrument of property, the abolition of the properted class and sole control by those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal. It sums up into one single purpose — the abolition of the system of dog-eat-dog under which we live, and the substitution by the most effective non-violence possible of a system of cooperative ownership and use of all wealth.

You know who said that, of course. Roger Nash Baldwin… architect of the ACLU’s current tactics of twisting the legal system to tear down our society.

ACLU? Tear down our society? Yes, exactly as Baldwin desired. What elese can you call assaults using faux First Amendment arguments on freedom of religious practice assured by the First Amendment? What else can you call support of NAMBLA openly recruiting boys for sex as “robust free spech”? What else can you call attacks on a private organization such as the Boy Scouts on grounds that violate freedom of association?

And what else can you call giving aid and comfort to an enemy in time of war by hindering our military in any way possible? (1, 2, 3 …) Oh, yeh, “treason”.

But it fits nicely with the never-forgotten fountainhead of the American Communist Lawyers Unions:

I am for socialism, disarmament, and ultimately for abolishing the State itself as an instrument of property, the abolition of the properted class and sole control by those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal… “

Note to the American Communist Lawyers Union: If you don’t want to be taken for a duck, stop walking and quacking like one. The feathers we can deal with. (Useful, once tar is obtained, in dealing with congresscritters… )

*See here, here and here for just three of many, many available references. Yeh, the ACLU has “formally” barred admitted communists from staff positions. Just words.

This has been a post for the Stop the ACLU Blogburst. See here for a current post at Stop the ACLU, and consider joining in.

Linked at Liberal Common Sense, TMH’s Bacon Bits’ “Stealth Open Post” (Stop it, man! You’re making my head spin!)

Over 600 lbs of Weapons-Grade Plutonium Missing

Los Alamos National Laboratory says it cannot find over 600 lbs of plutonium. 600 lbs! The quotes are from their press conference, via Homeland Stupidity (thanks IO Error!):

There is no evidence that the weapons-grade plutonium has been stolen or diverted for illegal purposes, the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research said. However, the amount of unaccounted-for plutonium — more than 600 pounds, and possibly several times that — is so great that it raises “a vast security issue,” the group said in a report to be made public today.

Rigggghhhhhttt. But, you also have no evidence that it won’t either. I mean there aren’t many things that weapons-grade plutonium can be used for … “Possibly” several times more than that?! Possibly?! Do they not teach nuclear physicists to add any more?

The institute, which is based in Takoma Park, Md., says it compared data from five publicly available reports and documents issued by the U.S. Energy Department and Los Alamos from 1996 to 2004 and found inconsistencies in them. It says the records aren’t clear on what the lab did with the plutonium, a byproduct of nuclear bomb research at Los Alamos.

A “byproduct” of nuclear bomb research? That’s like saying TNT is a “byproduct” of explosives research. Plutonium is only used for two things. And since it’s weapons-grade, it’s only used for ONE thing. Wake up.

A spokesman for UC, which manages the national laboratories at Los Alamos and Livermore for the Energy Department, did not address the report’s specifics but said the New Mexico lab tracks nuclear material “to a minute quantity.”

Except for the 600+ lbs of weapons-grade plutonium, obviously.

The report says there are several possible explanations for what happened to the plutonium. They include:

  • It was discarded in unsafe amounts in landfills at the Los Alamos lab (PDF). It is legal to discard weapons-grade plutonium in landfills, one of which is 40 feet deep, as long as the substance is sufficiently diluted. However, if a landfill holds too much plutonium, the material can eventually contaminate the environment — for example by leeching into groundwater or being absorbed by the roots of plants — study co-author Arjun Makhijani said in an interview.
  • It was shipped to an Energy Department burial site in a New Mexico salt mine, without accurate records of such shipments being kept.
  • It was stolen or otherwise shipped off site for unknown reasons.

Uh huh.

  • Sufficiently diluted? 600 lbs of weapons-grade plutonium is quite heavy for one, and radioactive for another. Diluted is an understatement… And if it is there, you’d notice the contamination pretty quickly I’d think.
  • Hehe. I love that, “without accurate records”. Yet earlier they said they track nuclear material to a “minute quantity”. Who’s doing the paperwork, Enron accountants?
  • Stolen? No way! From a secure government lab? Shipped off for unknown reasons? You mean for example, to make new mini-nuclear missiles?

“If it has left the site, then it obviously has the most grievous security implications,” Makhijani said. “I cannot say that it has left the site, but the government has the responsibility to ensure that it has not.

This guy needs an Understatement of the Year award. Most grievous? I’d say bloody apocalyptic if you’ve lost 600+ lbs of weapons-grade material! Someone needs to strung up for this!

The report concludes that at least 661 pounds of plutonium generated at the lab over the last half-century is not accounted for. The atomic bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki, Japan, in 1945 contained about 13 pounds of plutonium.

So let me see if I have this right. In 50 years, 661 lbs of plutonium is unaccounted for. Yet between 1996 and 2004 600+ lbs are unaccounted for. In 8 years there has been 600+ lbs missing, but in 50 there is the other oooh, 50 lbs. Given the thoroughness of some federal agencies they should start at 1996 and track everyone, interview, throw up a dragnet until they find it, no expense spared.

“The security implications . . . are extremely serious, since less than 2 percent of the lowest unaccounted-for plutonium is enough to make one nuclear bomb,” the report said.

So what that tells me is that if someone nefarious in nature has their hands on this, there is the possibility of 50 nuclear weapons on the lose. Why aren’t there legions of federal agents at Los Alamos and surrounding areas? Why isn’t this been taken seriously? This is FAR worse than a few milligrams of sarin being found in artillery shells in Iraq, this is in the United States. It just seems to me you should secure your own backyard before you go locking up someone’s elses.

The original article appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle. This article cross-posted at The English Guy.

STACLU Placeholder

Gotta run. RW Stuff. Expect a Stop the ACLU post later today. Meanwhile,

“I am not here; this is not me
No Matter what you think you see.
I am not here; this is not me.”

“These are not the droids you are seeking… ”


The 16th Minute

Time’s up!

Mother Sheehan at a book signing in Crawford, Texas last week.

That’s the way it looks when one’s fame is built on a foundation of quicksand… And she thought the crowd of handlers and looky-lous were her friends/fans. Sad, really.